Monday, October 20, 2008

Industrial Era XP Quests

take the 2nd part of the capture of Ben Jamieson (advice in 'Whois-Quests') You'll receive XP! You'll receive 5000 coins!

Get anything to eat, find Annie McKenzie and GIVE FOOD ANNIE, or find the hungry workers and GIVE FOOD WORKERS. You'll receive XP! You'll get praised!

Melbourne Zoo - Melbourne
Get bread and find the wallaby, GIVE BREAD WALLABY till it follows you and then lead it to the zoo keeper. You'll receive XP!

Melbourne Zoo
Find a kookaburra, and as soon as a snake is inside the room, KILL SNAKE in front of the kookaburra, repeat it more often, till it follows you, lead it to the zookeeper. You'll receive XP!

Melbourne Zoo
Get leaves from the eucalyptus tree and find the koala, GIVE LEAVES KOALA till it follows you and lead it to the zoo keeper. You'll receive XP!

1 comment:

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