Monday, October 20, 2008


Aloe Rent: 30
Desc: An aloe plant is growing here.
Location: Agrabah (Douban), Egpyt (Tamakhet), Thebes (2nd witch)
Poultice Cure Light

Angelica Rent: 45
Desc: An angelica plant is here, looking like hugely overgrown celery.
Location: Tara, Isle of Mann, Bengal, Romania
Brew Resist Poison (green tinted liquid)
Flavor Strength
Poultice Cure Light
Special Amulet: resist smite necklace

Autumn Crocus Rent: 15
Desc: An autumn crocus pokes its way out of the ground here.
Location: path to Tara by wolves, India (old weary srethsin)
Foul Minor Poison
Special For poisoning weapons

Barberry Rent: 30
Desc: Orange-red berries grow on a many-branched shrub here.
Location: Tara, Salem Garden
Poultice Cure Light

Basil Rent: 15
Desc: A few sprigs of basil struggle for survival here.
Location: Abbey
Poultice Cure Poison

Bay (Laurel) Rent: 15
Desc: A slender bay tree ruffles its leaves at you as you pass by.
Location: Agrabah (Douban)
Brew Cure Poison (greenish-brown liquid)
Special Make Amulet: resist flame

Betony Rent: 15
Desc: A tall spike of red-violet flowers is growing here.
Location: Abbey, PI - Isle of Lotus Eater, India (old weary srethsin)
Special Worn on ear: Protection from Evil (not implemented)

Bloodroot Rent: 30
Desc: A pretty little plant is here, oozing red-orange sap.
Location: Woods of French Indian
Flavor Cure Fever
Poultice Cure Burns

Borage Rent: 15
Desc: A blue flower with prominent black stamen grows from a leafy plant here.
Location: India (old weary srethsin)
Flavor Strength

Chamomille Rent: 45
Desc: An apple-scented flower with feathery leaves is blooming here.
Location: Egypt (Tamakhet), India (old weary srethsin)
Brew Sleep (opaque-grey liquid)
Flavor Bless

Coffee Rent: 15
Desc: Pretty red berries adorn a shrubby looking tree here.
Location: Druid Compound (Gan), India (old weary srethsin)
Brew Cure Poison (greenish-brown)

Comfrey Rent: 45
Desc: Several broad leaves appear to be growing directly from the ground here.
Location: Abbey
Poultice Cure Poison/Burns

Dock Rent: 45
Desc: Foot-long, lance shaped leaves are growing wild here.
Location: Path to Tara near Pookah, Road to Romania
Brew Cure Light (pink liquid)
Poultice Cure Light

Elderberry Rent: 30
Desc: A shrubbery is growing here. It appears to be producing elderberries.
Location: Klein (Apotheker), Salem garden
Brew Protection from Evil (pungent, speckled liquid) (not implemented)
Poultice Cure Light

Eucalyptus Rent: 45
Desc: Silver grey leaves dance in the breeze.
Location: Forest northwest of Melbourne, Dreamtime
Poultice Cure Light

Eyebright Rent: 15
Desc: A tiny 4
Location: Isle of Man, Carnival (Heading down Nightmare Alley)
Brew Cure Blind (clear liquid)

Fennel Rent: 90
Desc: A plant with a celery-like stalk and a carrot-like root has been uprooted here.
Location: Agrabah (Douban), India (old weary srethsin), Abbey
Flavor Strength
Poultice Detect Invisibility
Special Eat: Cure light and full food

Fenugreek Rent: 15
Desc: A patch of what looks like clover is growing here.
Location: Agrabah (Douban), Egpyt (Tamakhet), Ithica (Seer), Malta
Poultice Cure Light

Feverfew Rent: 30
Desc: A feverfew plant grows here, its daisy flowers standing upright.
Location: Woods of French Indian
Brew Remove Alertness (not implemented)
Flavor Cure Fever

Flax Rent: 45
Desc: A clump of flax is here, waving gently in the breeze.
Location: Beehive west then south of Egpyt, Tara near crossroads
Brew Poison (frothing liquid)
Special Make amulet: Timed + alignment

Garlic Rent: 45
Desc: You notice the thin, round shoots of a garlic poking out of the ground here.
Location: Bengal (provisioner),Druid Compound (Gan),Klien (Apotheker),PI, India (srethsin), Malta (vendors)
Brew Strength & Cure Poison (milky liquid)
Flavor Prot from Evil (not implemented)
Poultice Cure Light
Special edible

Hellebore Rent: 75
Desc: A rose seems to grow directly from the ground here, independant of a rosebush.
Location: Woods of French Indian, Klein (Apotheker), Salem Garden, Tituba's Chest in Salem, Abbey, Thebes (3rd witch)
Brew Invisibility (pink-tinted liquid)
Special Toxic if eaten/poison weapons

Hops Rent: 30
Desc: A vine with yellowish cones hangs above you here.
Location: Abbey
Brew Cure Poison (greenish-brown liquid)
Foul Sleep

Horehound Rent: 60
Desc: A wooly plant here is busily producing barbed seeds to catch on your clothes.
Location: Woods of French Indian, Temple Rd. in Egypt, India (old weary srethsin)
Brew Dispel Magic (bubbly liquid)
Poultice Removes Rage

Hyssop Rent: 30
Desc: A short evergreen with multi-colored flowers grows here.
Location: western Romania
Flavor Preserves
Special Amulet: Held Bless Spell

Jimsonweed Rent: 75
Desc: You catch the odor of something unpleasant growing here.
Location: Path to Klein, Abbey
Brew Weaken/Clumsy/Idiocy (pungent clear liquid)
Foul Weaken/Clumsy/Idiocy

Juniper Rent: 45
Desc: A dwarf evergreen with reddish-brown bark has been planted here.
Location: Klein (Apotheker), Carnival (Nightmare Alley)
Poultice Cure Light
Special Amulet: resist smite/resist stun earring

Marigold Rent: 75
Desc: A pretty orange marigold is blooming here.
Location: Canary Isles, Klien (Apotheker), Path to Romania, Salem Garden, Thebes (3rd witch)
Brew Detect Invisibility (orange liquid)
Flavor Refresh
Poultice Cure Poison

Monkshood Rent: 45
Desc: A blue-violet flower shaped like a monk's hood grows in a moist patch here.
Location: Garden in Salem, Tituba's Chest in Salem, path to Tara, India (old weary srethsin)
Brew Fly (blue-violet liquid)
Foul Major poison

Mugwort Rent: 30
Desc: A purple-stemmed plant with big ball-shaped flowers towers over you here.
Location: French Indian
Brew Cure Blind (clear liquid)
Poultice Bless

Nightshade Rent: 30
Desc: An eerie-looking, completely dark purple plant lurks in the underbrush here.
Location: Path to Tara, Salem woods, Thebes (3rd witch), Carnival (Heading down Nightmare Alley and Under the Hall of Wonders)
Brew Fly (blue-violet liquid)
Foul Major Poison
Special Toxic if eaten/poison weapons

Oregano Rent: 15
Desc: A short, green plant with oval leaves is growing here.
Location: South of Orkney at Cliffs, Isle of Mann
Poultice Cure Light

Parsley Rent: 60
Desc: The feathery green leaves of a parsley plant are sprouting here.
Location: South of Orkney at Cliffs, Isle of Mann, India (old weary srethsin)
Brew Refresh (greenish-clear liquid)
Poultice Cure Light
Special Amulet: +2 con crown

Sage Rent: 165
Desc: What appears to be a sparsely-flowered lavender plant is growing here.
Location: Kitchen of Dunn in Tara, Romania
Brew Cure Light (pink liquid)
Special Held: +2 mind

Sea-Weed Rent: 30
Desc: Yucky, icky, slimy sea-weed lies here.
Location: Greece, Malta, Med. & Ind. Atlantic
Brew Sustained Breath (cloudy brown liquid)
Special edible

St.-John's Wort Rent: 45
Desc: A creepy little weed is growing here.
Location: Isle of Mann
Poultice Cure Light

Thyme Rent: 30
Desc: A sweet-smelling little shrub with hairy leaves is growing here.
Location: Near Casablanca (Fuzar)
Flavor Cure Fever
Poultice Cure Light

Tormentil Rent: 30
Desc: You nearly miss spotting a 3
Location: Path to Tara, Carnival (rough path)
Brew Fly (blue-violet liquid)
Foul Minor Poison
Special Make Amulet: resist stun bracelet

Uva-Ursi Rent: 15
Desc: Leathery green leaves dotted with white flowers for a groundcover here.
Location: Abbey, Isle of Mann, Thebes (1st witch)
Poultice Cure Light

Valerian Rent: 30
Desc: An unassuming roadside weed here has the odor of dirty socks.
Location: Path to Abbey, Paris, Temple Road in Egypt, Carnival (Under the Hall of Wonders)
Brew Weaken/Clumsy/Idiocy (pungent clear liquid)

Vervain Rent: 60
Desc: A spiky-looking plant with rings of purplish-white flowers is growing here.
Location: Egypt (Tamakhet)
Poultice Cure Light
Foul Minor Poison

Willowbark Rent: 30
Desc: A graceful willow tree is bending with the wind.
Location: Near gate to Norse
Flavor Cure Light
Poultice Cure Light

Woad Rent: 30
Desc: Some large blueish-green leaves have been carefully tended here.
Location: Picts, Klein (Apotheker)
Poultice Cure Light

Woodruff Rent: 15
Desc: A delicate, spindly herb is growing here.
Location: Abbey garden, French Indian
Poultice Cure Light

Yarrow Rent: 45
Desc: Miniature daisies are growing out of fernlike foliage here.
Location: N-S road in Orkney, French Inian, Locksley Estates in Sherwood
Poultice Cure Light
Special Amulet: resist smite/resist stun

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