Monday, October 20, 2008

Arabian Nights Area (from the Wiki)

The city of Agrabah dominates the Arabian Nights area in the AncientEra. Relive the tales of Aladdin and his lamp and Ali Baba and the forty thieves. Agrabahis are proficient in magic, able to learn all three circles of magic words.

Quests of Ancient Arabia include:

Spiffy Equipment in Ancient Arabia includes:

Travel to the IndustrialEra via the ArabiaToNorthAfricaTransQuest.

Miscellaneous Hints:

Dropping unwanted equipment at the Agrabah City Dump destroys the item but you get paid 1 coin. (Many years ago, you got paid 2 coins, but folks abused this by continually dropping 1 coin to get two back.)
The secret password to the Forty Thieves cave is... (Oh come on. Do I really have to tell you?)

Newbie Guide (from the Wiki)

Thanks for giving LegendMUD a try. Feel free to ask any questions you may have any time you are online.

The following is an introductory guide that we hope will help you get started. The world of LegendMUD is a complex game system and has a daunting amount information to learn. By the same token, it is an endlessly rewarding, never boring universe. Stick with it and you won't be sorry.

Be sure to visit our web pages at


. . o O Table of Contents O o . .




LegendMUD has three distinct aspects. Players can focus on the gaming aspect by advancing to higher levels or improving their statistics and equipment. The roleplaying aspect allows players to create and develop characters with their own life histories and personalities. Finally, it is also a social club that brings a diverse group of people together for fun and entertainment.

LegendMUD is based not on fantasy or on SF, but rather on history. To be exact, our areas are built to try to duplicate not the world as it was, but the world as it was thought to be at the time. You may very well find creatures or places considered legendary today, but that were deemed to exist at the time the area is set in. You can get an idea of when an area is set by using the TIME command. Legendary areas (like the Arabian Nights) will usually not give a Julian year, but other areas will.

The mud is consists of three 'eras' dividing the mud into ancient, medieval, and industrial time periods. Ancient times runs until around 476 AD; Industrial times begin after the use of gunpowder (which varies according to location). There may be multiple areas in the same geographical location but in different eras (an example is ancient Nazca and Viceroyal Lima, which are set in exactly the same place and even share geography, but are utterly different). Quests have been set up to allow 'time travel' between areas that are not otherwise physically connected, and these quests can be completed by players of any level.

The best way to get started here at Legend is to read through our suggested help files or any other topics listed in HELP SUMMARY that look unfamiliar to you. If you've never played on a mud before, you may want to log on and type 'CHAT Help! I'm totally new to this.' after reading the rest of this guide. If an immortal is online they will come to your aid or ask what you need help with. Also, other more experienced players can also help you learn the basics.

You might find that repeatedly asking questions covered in the help files or come across as asking other people to play the game for you easily annoys some people. If you take the time to read a little and ask nicely, 'If you're not busy, could you help me? I'm a brand new player and need help getting oriented.' people will respond more favorably than if you just come on and ask 'Where do I learn skills, what's this weapon do? Who can level me?' You should also realize that people aren't allowed to chat item stats, quest steps, teacher locations or any in-game information.

In this guide, all mud commands or help topics are highlighted in ALL CAPS. If the word is only partially in caps, a common abbreviation is given in caps. Also the terms 'NPC' and 'MOB' (short for mobile) are used interchangeably when we refer to characters that are generated by the game itself.



1. Check what items you have by typing INVentory. You should find a map of your hometown. If you type LOOK MAP it shows the area that is safe for you to wander around in and explore for the first few levels until you get your bearings. Typing EQuipment shows what you are using. To stop using something, simply type REMove .

2. WIELD . You have been given a weapon appropriate to the fighting stats you chose when you created your character.

3. CONSIDER before you ever try to KILL . This will give you an estimate of your chances of success. Remember, if it says, 'Death will thank you for your gift.' It means your death.

4. Type TIME. If the mud time is night time, you probably want to HOLD . You don't want to keep using your light during the day unless you're in a dark and dreary place or you will waste your fuel. You can also LOOK IN to see how much fuel it has left. You can REFILL with the correct kind for the light. You can usually tell with LOOK AT .



* HELP CHANGES lists the major differences from stock DIKU and MERC muds and some of our reasons for such changes.

* Read HELP SKILLS and HELP MAGIC, neither are standard.

* If you're interested in playerkilling, or playerstealing read HELP PKILL and HELP CLANS.

* Read HELP CHEAT. We do not allow multiplaying or equipment passing or harassing.

* Also read HELP RENT. Don't leave the game using QUIT Y. If you want to keep your stuff. LegendMUD has no rent fees, but a limit on the value of the items you carry. If you cannot save successfully, you run the risk of losing everything if the mud crashes or if you lose link and are auto-rented. We keep a save log and it has final say in cases of reimbursal requests.

* Note that CONSIDER gives a level comparison only. For a more detailed comparison, the judge skill, anatomy skill, and judge spells are useful.



* What if I'm STILL completely and utterly lost even after reading this?

Don't give up completely. Some of our best players started out quite wet behind the ears. If all this theoretical talk escapes you, log in, and CHAT that you're new to muds and would like some help in learning how to play one. Type WHO or WHOShort to see if any of the immortals are online (they're the ones with words in front of their names.

* A quick summary of useful HELP topics is:








* What common commands are used on MUDs?

A good quick reference guide for the basic commands used on LegendMUD is to type HELP and it will bring up a quick page summary of commands and useful help topics. Also HELP SOCIALS brings up a list of the commands used in social interaction like SMILE, HUG, BONK, etc.

* Whom should I ask for advice on how to play the game?

An immortal or other players should be able to answer your questions on how to play the game. Remember PRAY is an emergency channel to the gods. Only they hear it. CHAT goes to everyone on the whole mud. To turn Chat, Info or Auction off, simply type CHAT, INFO, or AUCTION with nothing else. TELL can only be heard by the person to whom you direct the tell. SAY can be heard by everyone in the same 'room' with you. YELL can be heard by those nearby.

* Whom should I ask to help with playing the game?

Immortals can only explain how things work, not give in-game advantages to players. This includes things like loading NPCs for you to kill, giving you equipment, healing you, transferring you around, telling you your stats, telling you skill prereqs, telling you the steps to quests. So you should ask another player to help you play the game.



* LegendMUD does NOT allow multiplaying. You can have more than one character, but only one may be online at a time. Quitting several newbies merely to acquire gold and/or equipment is considered cheating. Trading equipment between your own characters, by dropping equipment from one and picking it up with the other is also considered cheating.

* Giving away excessive amounts of equipment to characters who cannot rent what they are holding is also considered a violation. It's more a violation of the unsuspecting character who is put at risk of losing any equipment, experience or gold that they may have earned on their own before they were 'helped out.' In the event of a crash ALL of their equipment will vanish and no successful saves will have been made for them in the meantime.

* Looting player corpses is also considered against the rules, UNLESS you and the player whose corpse you are looting are BOTH clanned. In the case of clanned characters stealing from clanned players' corpses, the 'legality' of it is up to the clans involved. Taking equipment from a clanned player's corpse and handing it to an unclanned character is also not allowed as the clanned character has no recourse.

* Only one player should play a given character. They may not be given away, as sharing a single character between two or more players is considered cheating. Asking gods to fix, tell, or change your stats or even skills is considered cheating, as is getting them to load items or mobs for you.

Any players caught cheating will be dealt with on an individual basis. The basic violations listed above all call for character deletion. Punitive actions include any and all of the following: removal of equipment, alteration of stats, denied access to mud commands, denied access for a character, deletion of character, demotion of level status, banning of a site if repeated violations occur with multiple characters. We don't like to have to use any

of these options, but remember we that can and have.

LegendMUD has a Code of Conduct that all players agree to when they log into the mud. So don't just keep hitting return to spam it on past. Read it. If you missed it, HELP RULES covers it well.



LegendMUD has simple rules for interaction between players.







Your choice of hometown will greatly affect the sort of abilities you have and the sort of career you can plan for yourself in the game. Generally speaking, ancient and legendary areas have more of a magical flavor and more talents (legendary more so), and areas where the people lived close to nature would be likely to produce good healers. People born in industrial times would be best suited to the use of technologically advanced weapons. More hometown choices will be added as new areas are created.

ANCIENT ARABIA is a complex land of wonder, mystery and enchantment. Mages of great renown have studied here for centuries. Warriors and explorers who follow in the footsteps of Sinbad have been bred and trained in their time-honed skills there. Those from here who choose to devote themselves to music and oration have been able to achieve some stature amongst their peers, but they still fall short of the true masters in their skills. It should be also noted that many thieves populate the streets. One should be sure to hold one's possessions closely to avoid the nimble fingers of a nearby footpad. Technology has yet to develop in this era; swords and daggers still prove to be the weapons of choice for most Arabians. Although some herbs are imported to some of the shops of Agrabah, the locals have never attained the knack of herbal-type skills.

CELTIC IRELAND is a verdant land, home to master druids, enchanted creatures, and legendary warriors. A wide variety of herbs can be obtained in the area, and many of Ireland's inhabitants have the potential to become expert herbalists. Many a fine balladeer and poet have hailed from the Emerald Isle, yet they still have not attained the full skills reserved for master bards. Thieves of some note have made their start here, generally multi-talented as many from here are. Mages, although not as expert as those from Arabia, can become quite skilled if they apply themselves to their studies. Slow to embrace change, technical skills are unknown here. The mighty warriors from here rely on their brute force, fighting skills and enchanted blades in their epic battles with foes.

KLEINSTADT, in medieval Germany, is a busy hamlet and a mecca for those of knightly character. Warriors hailing from here are capable of learning how to repair their heavy weapons and armor, in addition to excelling in fighting skills. While not as expert in magic as those from Arabia, mages from Klein are capable of learning a great deal of the art. Mages from here may want to consider making their stay short and explore the world to better further their studies. Poets and composers of note are from here, but certainly not considered experts of their skills. Herbal skills are virtually unknown here along with skills of a technical nature.

VICEROYAL LIMA, Peru is home to many expert orators, poets and musicians and doctors. Although provincial, Limans have learned the use of basic guns in addition to the traditional warrior skills. Skilled herbalists come from here as well, although not quite the masters as those from Ancient Ireland. Thieves find Lima as welcome as any place in which to live, with a good cross-section of skills available to them. Mages from here are only capable of the most rudimentary spells.

PORT OF LONDON 1841 is crowded and exciting. Many expert marksmen, doctors, orators and musicians make this place their home. Several notable warriors and thieves have also started here, although the number from here is not as large as those from Ireland or Germany. Mages are non-existent here as are druids and herbalists.



All attributes (stats) are based on a percentile system -- the highest value you can roll when your character is created is a 50, and the lowest is a 15. Your roll will be placed in the precedence you select. Below are brief descriptions of each stat. You will not be able to see these listed when you type SCORE until your character is level 10.. However, they will fluctuate with some quests and equipment and will always affect what you can learn, use, do for the entire career of your character.

STRENGTH is your brute strength. It affects how hard you hit, how much you can carry, and how heavy a weapon you can wield.

MIND is your mental ability. It enables you to learn complex abilities such as spellcasting, and is also a secondary requirement for many skills that require a degree of intelligence to use.

DEXTERITY is your physical agility.. This affects how quickly and efficiently you can move around, and how well you can perform skills requiring coordination.

CONSTITUTION is your overall physical condition. It determines how quickly you heal, and how well you are able to perform skills that require whole- body effort, such as weapons proficiencies.

PERCEPTION is your ability to notice things around you.. This determines whether you would see a backstabber coming, or notice hidden exits and also affects your ability to perform your skills when you are in eras other than the one in which you were born.

SPIRIT is your personal spirituality.. It controls the degree to which you are in harmony with the world around you, hence controls many healing abilities. Spiritual people with good or evil alignments have somewhat different skills at their disposal.



When you type the SCORE command, you'll get something back like


_ _

\ |----------------------------------------------------------------------| /

/_| Whitley |_\


Strength: ? Mind: ? Level: 1
Dexterity: ? Constitution: ? Prestige: 0
Perception: ? Spirit: ?

Experience: 0 Hit Points: 21/ 21 Armor Rating: 100
Experience Movement: 101/101 Hit Rating: ?
to Level: 1600 Mana: 103/103 Damage Rating: ?

Practice Sessions: 4 Gold: 500 coins
Alignment: 0 Weight carried: 10 kg
Played: 0 hours Age: 17 years

Combat Strategy: Not wary, flee at 5 hit points.
Condition: full of liquid, well-fed.
__ __



The first line gives your name. Your title (which you can change at any time by typing TITLE shows when you type WHO.

After the banner, the first set of information gives your stats, which will remain question marks until you reach level 10. Your current level and level of prestige are located here as well.

The next set of data clumps are from left to right, experience, hit points/move/mana, and armor, hit, and damage ratings. Experience shows how much you have earned, and Experience to Level shows how much more you need in order to gain a level. Hit Points(HP) or health(Current/Maximum) as well as Mana(MA) or spell points(Current/Maximum) and movement(MV)(Current/Maximum). The last set shows your armor rating, hit rating and Damage rating. The more clothing/armor you wear the lower your Armor Rating should be. The lower the better. The scale goes from 100 down to -100. Your Hit Rating is a rough measure of how likely you are to hit your opponent, the higher this number the better. Likewise, Damage Rating is a rough rating of extra damage you can do to your opponents.

The next clump lists even more information about your character. The first item tells how many practice sessions you have. You start the game with 4 and gain one for every level (See HELP PRACTICE for info on learning skills). Each skill you learn costs one practice session. Some spell words cost two. The next items shows how many gold coins you are currently carrying. After that comes Alignment which is on a 1000 to 1000 scale, with 1000 to 350 being evil, 350 to 350 being neutral, and 350 to 1000 being good. Alignment affects how others treat your character and limits your use of some equipment and skills and spells. Alignment is followed by the number of items you are carrying, and the weight of those items.

Weight carried includes all the items you are carrying in inventory, equipped items and the gold you have onhand. If you're carrying too much you will be unable to move.

The next line indicates how many hours you've logged with this character and how old the character is in mud years based on those hours logged.

The last two bits of information are Wimpy and Condition. Wimpy is the point at which you will automatically attempt to flee if your hit points fall below that point. You can change the point at which you will automatically flee by typing WIMPY <#>. Condition lists how you're feeling, hungry, thirsty, etc. You may also get messages telling you if you are hungry, thirsty, or drunk in your score as well.


Your level is a general overall ranking in the game. You advance in levels by gaining in experience earned by killing NPCs or perhaps other players if you are PLAYERKILL enabled, doing quests and exploring. You gain a new level by reaching the set minimum experience points required for that level. Your 'Experience to level' is calculated by subtracting your total xp from that needed for the next level. When you die on LegendMUD you lose experience and prestige. Some ways of dying are more costly in terms of experience than others.. You will not lose levels, or permanent stat points by dying. You may lose stat points because you are no longer wearing the same equipment, however.


Armor class is reported in your score from level 6 on. The range is between 100/10 and 100/10. To get your true armor class, just divide those numbers. So 80/10 would be Armor Class 8. The lower your AC is the better protected you are, meaning a 10 Armor Class is the absolute best protection you can have. AC is affected by items you wear, some spells you can cast, and also your dexterity.


In addition to the six attributes you pick when you create a character and become visible in score at level 10, everyone also has PRESTIGE, HITROLL and DAMROLL associated with their character.

PRESTIGE is a bit different as it begins at zero and can reach a maximum of 100 during your character's career. Prestige is an indication of your character's ability at what they have chosen to pursue. You gain prestige by leveling, completing certain quests, wearing certain items, or killing something with a higher prestige than you have. You can lose it by dying, fleeing or performing the wrong tasks in certain quests. It affects the amount of equipment you can rent and also some skills you can learn.

The modifiers HITROLL and DAMROLL affect your attacks. The higher they are the better you will hit your opponent and the harder you will hit your opponent. You don't get to see these when you type score until level 15.



It's much easier to move around the world if you have it mapped or know it well. Getting your bearings after fleeing or returning to your corpse when you die will be much easier if you are familiar with your surroundings. Hometown maps (given to newbies and the Order of the Scroll Clan) are the only maps in the game that are provided to players. There is no automapping function. The best advice for mapping LegendMUD is to look at a map of the world. We attempt to lay out our areas in a close approximation to their real world locations. A pencil and graph paper do wonders as well. It's what most of the creators used when building the areas.

A good method for mapping mazes is to drop coins, one at a time, so that they make markers in the rooms. For example: in room #1 you'd DROP 1 COIN; in room #2 you'd DROP 2*1 COIN; in room #3 you'd DROP 3*1 COIN, and so on. This way you have an easy reference to check against your map. If you see gold piled up in this fashion, someone is probably in the process of mapping the area. They would probably prefer you leave the gold there.

Some areas may overlay each other in geography, but are separated by different eras in time. A listing of the areas included in LegendMUD are found by typing AREAS from within the game. This gives the area name, the creator (the one responsible for the area), and a rough idea of what level characters the area is intended for. Note that this does not mean the area is 100% safe for anyone. To access different areas in the same time period, you can walk, sail, or fly between areas. To move between areas that are situated in the same space geographically but in different time periods, a 'trans quest' is required. These are usually small in nature and number of steps, but also require a certain level of familiarity with the area you are trying to leave. Trans quests do not award experience points.

However, you can gain experience by exploring different regions of the world. Some rooms grant experience when you first come across them and aren't following anyone. These rooms are scattered across the whole mud, some are hard to avoid, others take a bit more exploration. You are not notified when you find one of these rooms as we do not wish them to be 'tourism stops,' but rather genuine rewards for exploring the mud. They may change location from time to time. Exploring is dangerous stuff. There are all sorts of things to watch out for, like nasty monsters lying hidden in shadowy caves, narrow ledges with unstable footing, killer reefs.

Deathtraps, or DTs, are rooms with their titles in ALL CAPS and are lit 24 hours a mud day so that they can be seen by typing EXits at any time. They do not subtract experience points from your score. However, your corpse is not retrievable. One thing to note is not all rooms with ALL CAP titles are DEATHTRAPS but they are probably dangerous. There may be one or two DTs that can be disarmed but that is generally not the norm.

Nasty NPCs that attack you upon entering their lair are not deathtraps, but are known as aggressive mobs. If they kill you, you will lose experience and your corpse will probably only be recoverable by a much higher level character than yourself. Be sure to keep an eye on room descriptions and watch for clues that something may be in the next room. The easiest way to get killed or lost while exploring a new area is to do it with BRIEF on so that room descriptions don't show.




CONSIDER before you attack ANYTHING you haven't fought before. It will tell you your approximate chance of success, using a level comparison only. For a more detailed comparison, the judge skill, anatomy skill, and judge spells are useful. 'Death will thank you for your gift' means YOUR DEATH.


When you attempt to flee from a fight you lose a small percentage of your experience based on your level and that of your opponent. You also lose prestige from fleeing from lower level opponents. You can set the point at which you will automatically attempt to flee by typing WIMPY <#>.

When you kill your enemy, EXAMINE CORPSE, then GET for any items you want. If you want everything from the corpse, type GET ALL CORPSE. Your alignment is affected by killing enemies, wearing certain items, doing certain quests. If an enemy has a higher alignment than you, yours will fall. If their alignment is lower than yours, yours will rise. If an enemy's prestige was higher than yours, your prestige will rise.


When your character dies, you are reincarnated back at your homeroom or recall point. Your corpse is left behind in the room where you were killed, together with all of your gold and equipment. You should return to the room where you died as soon as possible to retrieve your equipment from your corpse. Your gold does NOT stay with you, so you should frequent banks, in case of catastrophe. Light sources will remain with you, so if you find yourself alone in the dark you'll still be able to HOLD ALL. If you have a working light source, you'll be able to go retrieve your corpse much easier. If the NPC was nasty and killed you on sight, you should find someone who can kill it before you go back.

You lose 1/2 your total experience for dying in a fight. There is an eventual cap of a 2 million point loss at higher levels. Your chances of gaining back experience lost to death are better if you don't give up on the character even though you may feel the task is impossible. You also lose prestige points for dying.


FOLLOW starts you following another character so that you automatically move into the next room when they do. To stop following someone else, just FOLLOW . It's always better to ask to group than to just tag along with someone. GROUP makes someone who is following you a member of your group. Group members share experience points from kills they are present for and may use the GTELL to send private messages to all group members and the SPLIT command to distribute gold taken from the corpse. If the character is already a member of the group, then using the GROUP command again will remove the character from the group. Characters can also leave groups by using the FOLLOW command to stop following the leader. GROUP with no argument shows statistics for each character in your group.




The local board in an area (not the Welcome Board) will often have hints to quests in the areas and warnings about dangerous places in the vicinity. The local boards are often not labeled 'Board' but are things like 'Notices' 'Scrolls' 'Walls taken over as message centers' as well. These are also a good place to leave messages to the immortal responsible for the area, or you can use the mud mail system. LOOK BOARD to see what messages are posted on it, and READ BOARD <#> to read a particular message.

Also just observing NPC's interact with each other and even with you when you approach them or mention certain things of interest around them. Some NPC's will send you off chasing red herrings, but often they can point you in the right direction. If an NPC mentions something, it might be important in a quest.




LIST lists the objects the shop keeper will sell you. BUY buys an object from a shop keeper. The appropriate amount of currency is automatically deducted from your score. SELL sells an object to a shopkeeper. You will be automatically credited with the price that the item commands. VALUE asks the shopkeeper how much he or she will buy the item for.

TRADE allows you to trade items of equal value instead of paying out hard cash for every item. The shopkeeper has to be interested in the item you are putting up for trade and the shopkeeper has to be satisfied the value is equivalent. The syntax is TRADE .

PREVIEW allows you to get information about a specific item before you purchase it from the shopkeeper. The syntax is identical to that of BUY and handles multiple shopkeepers.

The HAGGLE skill provides an alternative way to buy items. Please note that STEALing from a shopkeeper renders him unable to produce more of that item. Also, you are very likely to get caught in the attempt.

If a shopkeeper tells you to 'Come back later.' then you probably caught him either at night or during his teatime, siesta, etc. Some shops post their hours outside the door, and common sense can suggest to you the hours of operation for the others. A few seedy or illicit establishments may only be open at night.


If you want to purchase the second dagger on the list and you keep getting the wrong one, try either a more distinctive keyword or BUY 2.DAGGER. If you want to get something from a corpse other than the first one in a room, type GET ALL 2.CORPSE or 3.CORPSE, etc. Any item can be manipulated this way. You can also use all. as well.


If more than one shopkeeper is present use the trick to purchase the item from the correct one. For example, if there are two vendors, type BUY APPLE 2.VENDOR if the LIST command doesn't show the apple but LIST 2.VENDOR does. All the buying/selling/value commands work like this.


Since gold coins have weight, you will want to frequent banks in order to store your hard earned money in a safe place. Your bank balance remains intact when you die, so it's a good idea to save a bit of money for a rainy day. The commands are: DEPOSIT to store gold; WITHDRAW to get money (a percentage fee is charged); and STATEMENT to get your account balance.



LegendMUD does not use PRACTICE or a guild system for acquiring skills. Rather, you can learn skills from mobs who would reasonably be expected to know that skill. Most teaching mobs will answer to the question "teach" or "learn" and tell you what they are able to teach you, though they usually require a small quest or a flat fee to do so. If a mob looks at you like they don't understand what you just said, it means they have no response to any of the keywords you just asked them.

So if you are looking to learn the fishing skill, you would check to make sure you qualify for the skill and try to think of possible mobs who might teach it. The most logical choice here would be to go look for fishermen type mobs. Once you find a fisherman, type ASK FISHERMAN TEACH to get a list of the skills the mob teaches. Some mobs only teach one skill many don't teach at all. If the mob responds favorably by claiming to teach the skill you wish to learn, then type ASK FISHERMAN FISHING. The mob should then teach you the skill. This formula of ASK TEACH and ASK should be sufficient to learn any skill available on LegendMUD.

ALLSKILLS lists the skills you are qualified to learn based on your current stats and level. You cannot 'train' your stats up, but we do provide stat-boosting equipment, and some quests with stat-boosting rewards. If the skill you attempt to learn is not in your allskills you may still be charged the practice by some sneaky, mean or just plain busy mobs who don't have the time to waste their time teaching people who cannot learn their skill. Skills marked with a + are skills you have already learned.

SKILLS tells you what skills and spells you currently know. Some of your skills will improve the longer you know them, thus you need only spend one practice on each skill. Someone who learns bash at level 2, when it is first offered, will always be better at it than someone who waits until level 20 to learn it. If you've learned a skill, and it appears in SKILLS, you may only use that skill if it ALSO appears in ALLSKILLS. Skills marked with a - are skills you have learned and cannot currently use because you do not currently qualify.

QUERY may be used as a shorthand way of finding out about one skill in particular giving a message based on your knowledge of a skill. It lets you know whether you can learn it, have learned but can't use it, know it, or cannot learn it.

NOTE!! Not all skills are implemented yet. Those that are not will have a warning in their respective helpfile. If you qualify for a skill in allskills, you can read the helpfile.



In the combat system, mobs and barehanded combat get one attack every 18 pulses--one per round. There are several factors that reduce the number of pulses it takes you to get in a blow, however.

The first of these is your highest fighting stat. Your highest stat among STRENGTH, DEXTERITY, and CONSTITUTION determines which kind of weapon you handle best. Strength is associated with slashing and slicing weapons like swords, dexterity with stabbing and piercing weapons, and constitution with bludgeoning and pounding weapons. You enter the game supplied with the best type of weapon for the order in which you chose your attributes.

The second element that affects your attack rate is the QUALITY of the weapon you are wielding. This means that a poorly balanced blade may SLOW your attack while a finely balanced one will enhance it.

The last element that increases your rate of attacks is WEAPON PROFICIENCIES (or profs). These are skills you can eventually learn, with names like swordsmanship, fencing, and arms training. Each applies to a different type of weapon. Different weapon TYPES give different messages in combat and have different abilities. Different types also have radically different effects when they hit items, in terms of damaging them. For example, slashing weapons will damage cloth armor much worse than they will metal armor, whereas bludgeoning weapons will hurt metal badly by denting it, but don't do much against leather armor.

There are also several exotic weapon types (flame, freeze, poison, dissolve, shock, and blast) that are unaffected by weapon proficiencies or the wielder's stats and will always get one blow every 18 pulses.



The magic system at LegendMUD is comprised of a set of words, taken from sanskrit and other languages, that represent different magical powers. The spells are broken into three categories -- spells of divination, spells of creation, and spells of causation. The school of Divination deals in knowledge. Creation magic can summon elementals, make useful objects where the other school, Causation, makes things happen -- good and bad. Any mage can

accumulate spells in the Divination school. But once you choose you must follow either the Create mage's path or that of the Cause mage.

The spell words are the words used in chant/enchant/write to make up the spell that is being cast. Any spell will contain one verb, and up to two subsequent words describing what that spell does in magical verse. Using the chant skill, you would CHANT EX to use a spell.

See HELP ALLSPELLS for how to figure out valid combinations as not all combinations of the WORDS you have learned will produce spells. For the ones that do you can ask a mob 'teach' or 'learn' to see if a mob knows any magical words. Note that they will usually want something in return, just like regular skill teachers.

After you find a combination and you cast the spell the first time it will be added to your SPELLBOOK -- a listing of all the spells you successfully cast once. It lists spells by name and gives the word combination required to cast the spell.



* Be sure to read HELP RENT *

When you are ready to leave the game, you must find an inn and RENT out in order to save your equipment until you come back and play again. QUIT Y will NOT save your equipment at all here. Inns should be fairly centrally located in most towns, and may even be the room you at which first enter the game, so remember where you started the game!

LegendMUD has no rent fees, but it does impose a limit on the value of the items you carry. This rent limit also frees players from 'level restrictions' on items. Anyone can use anything as long as they can rent it or are within 1000 gp of their rent limit.

Please note that if you cannot save successfully, you run the risk of losing everything if the mud crashes or you lose link and are auto-rented even if you can still equip items. We keep a save_log and it has final say in cases of reimbursal requests--you won't be reimbursed if your last save was a failed one.

If you find you must leave the game in a hurry, make sure you save successfully before you cut your link. After about 15 minutes real time your character will be auto-rented and the failed save situation of losing all your equipment still applies.



* HELP! IT SAYS 'Already playing.' WHEN I TRY TO CONNECT! IF you do not automatically reconnect to your character, check the following:

If this is your first time creating a character it means that the name is already taken. IF it's your character and your link was just cut, log in a guest character and PRAY asking for an immortal to disconnect your other character. You'll probably get a response back when it's done. Otherwise you may have to wait a bit before the machine realizes you are really link-dead.


If the mud consistently crashes, everytime you try to log in, log in as a guest character and tell an immortal immediately that you suspect that you think your character, (please give the name), may be crashing the mud when you log in. This sometimes happens when playerfiles are corrupted, but is very infrequent.


Type TIME when you reconnect, it lists the last time that the mud was started up. Also, if you get the message 'Reconnecting.', the mud didn't crash, just your connection was dropped somewhere on the internet.


The immortals occasionally have to restart the mud in order to update code or install new areas. We regret any inconvenience this causes, but it's usually done for a good reason -- making the mud a better place. Under ideal conditions (that is, without any problems) the mud is usually back up within 2 minutes of a reboot. Sometimes if something goes wrong, it may take a little longer, but most problems can be solved in under a half hour at most. You do not have to log out from the mud when a reboot is announced. You should, however, make sure that you can save successfully.


You should pick a password just as you do for any computer account. Use a word, phrase or anagram, that isn't easily associated with you. Don't, for instance, use the same name as your character, or your own first name or nickname, or your girl/boyfriend's name. Reusing the same password as the one on your computer account is a bad idea. It's also not a good idea to use the same password on different MUDs, since if your password gets out on one MUD, all your MUD characters have been compromised.


If you even suspect that someone has guessed or abused your character's password, change it immediately using the PASSWORD command inside the mud. It will ask for your old password and your new password and confirmation of the new password. It's not a bad idea to routinely change your passwords on all your accounts periodically.


If you've forgotten your password to your LegendMUD character, we can retrieve it for you and keep the information confidential. If you can provide a unique piece of information or two about the character (for example a special strung item, or something that's not easily gained by casual contact with the character) the imps will be able to help you. A good thing to tell the imp is what you thought the password WAS, often typos are made and not caught until the next login. Be sure to change your password immediately after regaining access.




The LT is the Legendary Times, an email newsletter that is published on a frequent basis by the immortals of LegendMUD. This keeps subscribers up to date on code changes, important occasions, roleplaying events, and other social news particular to the mud. You can subscribe to the LT by entering a valid email address when prompted for one, by choosing option 4 Legendary Times subscription information, from the second menu.


The LDL, or Legend Discussion List was an unmoderated mailing list that discussed issues important to LegendMUD. Hot topics in the past have included clans and pkilling, proposed code changes, roleplaying and other topics brought up by either players or immortals for discussion. This list's function was replaced by the discussion board that can be found by typing OOC and then UP.


You can reach the URL for LegendMUD's Main Web Page at:

The above page is rather graphical in nature but not impossible to read and gain information from without a graphical web browser such as Netscape. The Legendary Times Back Issue Library is also located there.

Another page devoted to LegendMUD that includes some player pictures is maintained at:



AC Armor Class range is 100 to 100 with 100 best

AFK 'away from keyboard' usually means the person isn't watching their screen... You can also tell the mud to catch incoming tells for you while you are AFK. See HELP AFK online for info.

AGG MOB aggressive NPC that will attack anyone arriving

ATM at the moment.

BRB 'be right back' pretty much the same as AFK

CLANNED someone who is pk enabled

CLIENT an application that you can connect to the mud with that allows for aliases, triggers, & macros to be customized. Some popular ones are Tintin++, Tiny Fugue, Zmud, Genewic or GMud, Mutt Lite, and Ewan. Check the popular ftp sites for availability.

CR corpse retrieval -- corpse recovery

DIKU a type of mud server that was developed at: DIKU -- The Department of Computer Science at the University of Copenhagen, by: Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer

EQ equipment, items, stuff -- or also the items you currently have equipped and are using/carrying

ERA one of three sections of the mud, Ancient (ANC), Medieval (MED), or Industrial (IND)

GP gold pieces, money

HOMEROOM the room to which you return when a recall spell is used, when you re-enter the game after auto-renting, or dying. The room changes when you rent or do a time trans quest.

IC 'in character' meaning what you do is consistent with the role you are playing with a character -- also the command for returning from the Out of Character Lounge (OOC), the Wild Boar Tavern

IMM short for IMMORTAL -- one of the games administrators

IMMORT, GOD one of the administrators of the game, they can't influence game play, but are around to make sure it goes smoothly and to create new additions to the world

IMP highest level immortal

INV inventory, what you're carrying but not using

LAG the delay in the information sent back and forth across your link

LINK-DEAD also called LD, it's when your connection is cut, your character remains in the game, but not functioning. You will auto-stand and auto-flee if attacked while you're link dead, but your safety isn't guaranteed. You cannot be given anything if link-dead, nor will you earn experience. If you idle long enough in this state you will be auto-rented and if you are above your rent limit, you will lose your eq.

LINK your connection to the mud via the internet

LOL 'laughing out loud' similar to 'ROFL'

MCCP this is MUD CLIENT COMPRESSION PROTOCOL, several clients support it and it helps reduces bandwith requirements for your connection to Legend. See HELP MCCP online for info.

MERC a type of mud server by Furey, Hatchet, and Kahn that is based on the DIKU server code

MOB a computer controlled character, also called NPCs

MOODS shorthand for the mud's speech system, which permits placing speech tags on your speeches

MORTAL a character who is level 50 or below and killable

MOTD 'message of the day' gives important information when logging in. Other sources of important information are the welcome board and the LT.

NEWBIE someone who is new, a low level character. A newlyn is a female low level character, they're all newbies.

NPC 'non-player character' or a computer controlled character, also called mobs (short for mobiles)

OOC 'out of character' when you do things as yourself, not in the context of the role you are playing with your character -- also the command for going to the Out of Character Lounge (OOC), the Wild Boar Tavern.

PC a character controlled by a live human being connected via the internet -- a player character

PK, PKOK pkill, playerkilling -- a voluntary system where pkok-enabled characters can attack or steal from each other by accepting each other and joining clans set up for this purpose or going it alone as a 'rogue.'

RECALL a magic spell that returns you to your homeroom from nearly anywhere in the game. This spell doesn't work in all rooms.

RL real life

ROFL 'rolling on the floor laughing' similar to 'LOL'

RP roleplaying -- where you set up a personality, history, etc for a character and try to present that role to the other characters consistently.

SPAM when the screen scrolls by so you can't read it with annoying repeated acts, chats, or tells.

TF if someone is asking for it to be done, it's 'true forming' a magic spell that repairs magicial equipment. It can mean a client application by the name of Tiny Fugue.

TICK a half hour in mud time or on average 75 seconds in real time

TIME TRANS a quest that takes you from one era to another in the same geopgraphical location

TINTIN TT++, a client application for use with muds that allows for aliases, triggers and macros.

UNENABLED someone who is NOT PKOK-ENABLED and should not influence PKOK-ENABLED disputes by using skills or spells or risk becoming pk enabled themselves.

WARY/AGG your relative position to the fight. scale of -3 to 3 default is 0 and you return to 0 when you awake, the more wary you are, the further you edge from the fight, the more aggressive you are the closer in you fight your opponent. AC and hit are associated with this.

WTB want to buy, usually seen on auction

XP, EXP experience points, what you need to level and gain from killing, exploring, and questing


Anatomy - lvl : 5, spr: 30, mnd: 30, per: 30
Doctor Le'Cheir, French & Indian War
surgeon, Somme
embalmers, Egypt

Appraise - lvl: 2, per:30
jeweler, Agrabah
Khuenaten the tax collector, Egypt
trader, Aztec Empire
Isaac, Nottingham dungeon
plump colorful gypsy, Romania (charges 100 gp)
eccentric shopkeeer, London Port
Richard Smith, San Francisco (requires analgesic)

Archer - lvl: 15, per: 60, str: 30, prereq: BOWMAN
Mexica warrior (holding a short bow), Aztec Empire
Eurytus, Cleone, Greece
Tanugeak, Alaska (must speak Inuit)
archer, Romania (requires a short bow from fletcher)

Arm Wrestle - none
guard, Agrabah
Tika, Tara
drunken villager, Roman Britain
suitors, Ithaca, Greece
young soldier in barracks, Romania (bets you 25 gp)
druken customers, Lima

Arms Training (advanced) - lvl: 15, con: 60, min:20
Beorc, Tara Dun (charges 100 gp)
weapons trainer, Romania
weaponeer, Bengal (charges 100 gp)
paunchy soldiers, Alaska

Arms Training (basic) - lvl: 2, con: 40
Beorc, Tara Dun (charges 100 gp)
weapons trainer, Romania
weaponeer, Bengal (charges 100 gp)
Offca, Alaska (charges 100 gp)

Arms Training (expert) - lvl: 30, con: 80, min:25, perc:20
Beorc, Tara Dun (charges 100 gp)
weapons trainer, Romania
weaponeer, Bengal (charges 100 gp)

Armslore - lvl: 2, str: 30, per: 30, min: 25
kindhearted armorer, Romania (charges 200 gp)
weaponeer, Bengal
armourer, Paris Opera

Augment - lvl: 20, spr: 60, min: 40, prereq: HERBLORE, POULTICE
big-game hunter, African Savannah (requires thyme)
Tamakhet, Egypt (requires a sponge)
Biala, Dreamtime (requires banded scallop shell and tiny glossy shell - from traders in Dreamtime)
Monk Herman, Alaska

Backstab - lvl: 2, dex: 45, per: 30
Fith-fath, Tara
assassin, Agrabah (requires a crystal apple)
murderer, Lima

Balance - lvl: 10, dex: 50
juggler, Agrabah (requires a meat cleaver)
lady of the court, Tudor England
man on stilts, Carnival
mountain goat, Alaska ('WATCH GOAT')

Bandage - none
sword swallower, Agrabah
Donnegal, Tara
shaman's apprentice, Nazca
old men, Ithaca, Greece
Aldis, Viking Scandinavia
wench, Nottingham castle
apothecary's apprentice, Klein
monk, St. Denis Abbey
local midwife, Romania (requires a bandage)
Senorita Ruiz, Lima
barber surgeon, Tudor England
Doctor Griggs, Salem
pretty nurse, London Port
Father Elizondo, Industrial Macao
Stasya Ryzhko, Alaska

Bash - lvl: 2, str: 40. con: 30
guardsman, Agrabah
Queen's champion, Tudor England
bengal lancer, Bengal
Bertha, the bearded lady, Cartucci Carnival
guards, Klein
gate guard, Romania (charges 50 gp)
Athabascan children, Alaska
brick maker, Melbourne
conquistador, Lima

Battle Training - lvl: 8, Klein only
Roland, Klien (requires a a stained and tattered map from Iraqi Muslim in Crusade)

Begging - none
beggars, Agrabah
urchins, Lima
panhandlers, San Francisco
untouchable, Bengal
begging woman, Industrial Macao

Blindfighting - per:30 and ???
priest of Ares, Greece

Blindside - dex: 50, con:60, str: 40
Aloph, Malta (requires a blindfold)

Bowman - lvl: 5, per: 40
Mohawk elder, French & Indian War (requires an eagle feather)
sandy-haired uniformed youth, Romania (requires quiver from fletcher)
Tanugeak, Alaska (must speak Inuit)

Break Door - lel:15, str: 60
bengal lancer, Bengal
elite guardsman, Romania (charges 150 gp)
Joe Thompson, San Francisco
sultan's guards, Zanzibar (requires a drink)
wolverine, Alaska ('WATCH WOLVERINE')

Brew - lvl 2, spr: 40, mind: 25
Douban, Agrabah
Gan, Celtic Ireland
Sentnay, Egypt
pict shaman, Pictland
shaman, Nazca
Sarah Good, Salem
hag, Lima
Madame Zeena, Carnival

Calm - mnd: 35, spr: 35. Prereq: PLAY or ELOQUENCE
bobby, London Port
Svatava, 1802 Alaska

Case - lvl: 2, per: 30
Khuenaten the tax collector, Egypt
Will o' the Green, Sherwood (charges 30 gp)
Master Li, Industrial Macao (charges fee)

Chant - lvl: 2, mind: 30
magician's apprentice, Agrabah
old husband, Roman Briton
Diancecht, the Archdruid, Celtic Ireland
pict shaman, Roman Britain
the Hotr, Ancient India
ancient old fool, Ithaca, Greece
brethren, Lindesfarne
Porohuktuk, the Inuit shaman, Alaska
Ghislene, the cook, Tortuga fort
laibon, African Savannah

Choke - lvl: 2, str: 25, dex: 40
Cuachic Extli-Quani, Aztec Empire
Young Sven, Norway
gate guard, Boston

Climb - lvl: 8, con: 30, str: 20
chauvin native, Nazca
Anasazi war-chief, Anasazi
law student, Tudor England
dark-skinned child, Dreamtime
scottish tracker, Scotland

Cooking - none
cook, Agrabah
cook, Tara Dun
Setnay, Egypt
head cook, Nottingham castle
cook's apprentice, Romania
scullery boy, Tudor England
Pedro the chef, Spain
Ghislene, the cook, Tortuga fort
tavernkeeper, Lima
Tlingit slaves, Alaska
Mrs. O'Leary, San Francisco
Drozdov Khlebnik, Alaska

Courage - spi: 20, dex or str or con: 80, level 15
Thorulf Fangtooth, Viking Scandinavia
indian chief, French & Indian War

Dash - lvl: 10, dex: 50
kids & youth, Agrabah
servant girl, Tudor England
Schildknappe, Kleinstadt
mean kid, London Port

Deadeye - lvl: 35, per: 80, str: 40, prereq: ARCHER
Robin Hood, Sherwood (requires arrow from Moor Field archer or tinker)
Eurytus, Greece

Disarm Trap - lvl: 16, dex:40, min:25
outfitter, London Port
trapper, French & Indian War
ermine, Alaska ('WATCH ERMINE')

Disguise - Not Known
Prince Shahriar, Agrabah

Dodge - lvl: 2, dex: 40, per: 25
Aladdin, Agrabah
dancing sidhe, Celtic Ireland (EDE of the stone dolmen)
patrol leader, Romania (charge 50 gp)
sparring soldier, Romania
obnoxious clown, Carnival

Draw - lvl: 2, dex: 40
Doctor Ruiz, Lima
Master Carfax, Nottingham

Dress Wound - spr: 45, mind: 45
Corporal Duvier, Canada
Corpsman, Somme (prereq: anatomy)
Doctor Milov Kharitina, Russian Alaska
Pretty Nurse London

Elbow - str: 50, dex: 30
Little John, Sherwood
warrior of pandu, India
Medjay guard, Egypt

Eloquence - none
Archbishop of Lima, Lima
Richard Burbage, Tudor England
actors, San Francisco
Redmond Barry, Melbourne
chancellor, Romania
Knowledge of eloquence is no longer required to use moods.

Entrance - spr:50, min:50, per:30 Coreq: PLAY
Egil Skallagrimmson, Viking Scandinavia
Alfonso, Lima
Faust, Paris Opera

Fencing (advanced) - lvl: 15, dex: 60, min: 20
Castor, Thebes
the dandy, Lima
John Chapman, Melbourne

Fencing (basic) - lvl: 2, dex: 40
Castor, Thebes
the dandy, Lima
John Chapman, Melbourne

Fencing (expert) - lvl: 30, dex: 80, min: 25, perc: 20
Castor, Thebes
the dandy, Lima
John Chapman, Melbourne

Field Surgery - lvl: 20, mind: 50, spr: 50. Coreq: ANATOMY and DRESS WOUNDS
Doctor Le'Cheir, Canada
surgeon, Somme
Doctor Milov Kharitina, Russian Alaska

First Aid - lvl: 2,min: 35, spr: 35, per:25, Req: BANDAGE
Corporal Duvier, French & Indian War
physician, St. Denis Abbey
Doctor Griggs, Salem
apprentice, Tortuga fort

Fishing - none
sponge diver, Phoenicia
young fisherman, Roman Briton
fisherman, Nazca (charges 25 gp)
old man watching the boats, Celtic Ireland
bored Italian fisherman, near Crusades
rugged fisherman, Lima

Flavor - lvl: 5, spr: 45, non-evil
cook, Agrabah
cook, Tara
Numala, Dreamtime
Nell, Nottingham
Mrs. O'Leary, San Francisco

Forge - lvl: 7, str: 30, dex: 30, con:20
Duncan the smith, Celtic Ireland
Pytheus, Ithaca
Bjarni Greatarm, Viking Scandinavia
John the blacksmith, Sherwood
Georg der Grobschmied, Klein (charges 70 gp)
Jaime the armorer, Lima
stout blacksmith, Quebec
Pierre the smith, Tortuga
journeyman smith, Romania (charges 75 gp)

Foul - spr: 45, non-good
Gan, Ireland
Madame Decara, Agrabah
shaman, Nazca
poachers, Russian Alaska requires fox pelt

Gunplay - lvl: 2
queen's guard, Tudor England
north gate guard, Boston
merchants, London (charges 50 gp)
gunslinger, San Francisco
Drill Sergeant Buxton, Somme
Willie Simcock, Joe Chang, & Lachie Mullens, Melbourne

Haggle - lvl: 2
merchants, Aztec Empire (PREREQ: APPRAISE)
fishmonger, Tudor England
Alfredo, Spain
wandering trader, Crusades
el almacenero, Lima
textile merchant, Romania (charges 35 gp)
compradore, Industrial Macao

Headbutt - lvl: 2, con: 30, str: 20
Captain-of-the-Guard, Agrabah
warriors, Celtic Ireland
retired centurion, Roman Britain
suitors, Ithaca
guards, Kleinstadt
General Gales, Romania (charges 50 gp)
Inuit children, Alaska (must speak Inuit)
Big Jim Southland, London Port
brick maker, Melbourne
merchant sailors, San Francisco (requires tankard of ale)
druken customers, Lima

Herblore - mind: 30, spi: 35
Madame Decara, Agrabah
Diancecht the Archdruid, Celtic Ireland
ancient Anasazi woman, Anasazi
Nell, Nottingham
brigand, Roman Britain
pict shaman, Roman Britain
shaman, Nazca
Arminda the midwife, Lima
woodcrafter, Romania
Madame Zeena, Carnival
Porohuktuk, the Inuit shaman, Alaska

Hide - per: 40
pict warrior, Roman Briton (requires a gladius)
sneaky looking fellow, Sherwood
hare, Alaska ('WATCH HARE')

Hunt - lvl: 5, min: 20, per: 30, dex: 20, con: 20
saxon outlaws, Sherwood (prereq: SNEAK, pair of tights from Lincolnshire draper)
pict hunter, Roman Briton (requires fox fur and fox tail)
big-game hunter, African Savannah
apprentice woodsman, Romania (charges 100 gp)
white-haired elder, Melbourne
Buldeo, Bengal (requires a katar from the weaponeer)
Russian trappers, 1802 Alaska
professional hunters, 1802 Alaska
a hunter, Cleone, Greece

Innate defense - Not Known
giant, Dal Riada
Ben Jameson

Inspire - spr: 35, min: 35. prereq: PLAY or ELOQUENCE
inquisitor, Lima
flirtatious girl, Romania (charges 500 gp)
Belikari, Russian Alaska (must speak Inuit)
Archimandrite Ioassef, Russian Alaska
actresses, San Francisco
conductor, Paris Opera

Iron Will - lvl: 35, spi: 30, dex or str or con: 90
Thorulf Fangtooth, Viking Scandinavia
indian chief, French & Indian War

Judge - lvl: 2, str: 25, per: 30
bodyguard of Heka-Khaswt, Egypt
guards, Spain
conquistador, Lima
Judge Reinhold, Kleinstadt
Judge Porter, Salem
Romanian soldier, Romania (charges 80 gp)

Juggling - lvl: 7, dex: 55, per: 20
juggler, Agrabah
dirty child, Zanzibar (charges 100 gp)
circus clown, Carnival

Kick - lvl: 2, con: 30, dex: 30
tavern wench, Lima
guardsman, Agrabah (charges 50 gp)
stern guard, Klein
patrol leader, Romania (charges 50 gp)
Roman athlete, Roman Britain
Tlingit children, Alaska

Listen - per: 40
Scheherazade, Agrabah
Tika, Tara
Amos the Bartender, Nottingham
apprentice woodsman, Romania (charges 50 gp)
town magistrate, Boston
Napachee Kadlak, Alaska
postal worker, London Port
white-haired elder, Melbourne

Lullaby - min 55, spr 60, lvl 35
midwife, Romania (requires a wooden toy)
Christine, Paris Opera
Anna Baranov, Russian Alaska

Make Amulet - not known
Mad Meg, Tara
Madame Decara, Agrabah
fishwife, Roman Britain fishing village
country maids, Sherwood (requires yarrow)
Madame Zeena, Carnival

Make Bandage - spr: 35, dex: 20
Douban, Agrabah
Donnegal, Tara
shaman's apprentice, Nazca
weaver, St. Denis Abbey (requires cloth)
Gilbert of Blois, Sherwood
Senorita Ruiz, Lima
dispirited weaver, Melbourne (Find the textiles merchant; ASK MERCHANT TEACH; go to the wool mill; ASK WEAVER THE TEXTILES MERCHANT SENT ME; ASK WEAVER TEACH; ASK WEAVER MAKE BANDAGE)

Make Staff - spr: 50
Corcaighe, Celtic Ireland
lumberjacks, San Francisco
Wood-eater, French & Indian War

Marksman - lvl: 5, per: 40, prereq: GUNPLAY
Gisborne, Seoni Jungle
Sheriff Scannell, San Francisco
Alaskan hunter (random one of them), Russian Alaska

Meditate - min: 55, spr: 43, con: 25
scholar, Agrabah
potter, Nazca
white-haired elder, Melbourne (requires a Mohawk tattoo)
Maktuk, Alaska (requires a fur hat)
recluse near Abbey

Mend - lvl: 2, mind: 20, dex: 20
Mustapha, Agrabah
Rhia the weaver, Tara
weaver, Nazca (charges 25 gp)
Chiron, Greece (requires a goat's hide)
maedchen, Klein
Robert the draper, Lincolnshire, Sherwood
cross-eyed little tailor, Malta
Tlingit slaves, Alaska
Madame de Costumes, Paris Opera
laundry attendant, San Francisco

Mix Potion - spr: 60
Abigale Williams, Salem
Messua, Bengal (requires food)
Nahma, Russian Alaska

Night Vision - per: 60, con:20
pookah, Celtic Ireland
chimney sweep, London Port
snowy owl, Alaska ('WATCH OWL')

Parry - lvl: 10, dex: 40, min: 25
arrow knights, Aztec Empire
gate guard, Thebes, Greece
Doctor Ruiz, Lima

Parry (advanced) - lvl: 20, dex: 60, min: 25, londoners and limans only
Captain-General, Spain (charges 150 gp)
greying soldiers, Russian Alaska

Parry (expert) - lvl: 30, min: 25, dex: 80, londoners only
John Chapman, Melbourne (requires pile of battered textbooks, from a student)

Peek - per: 50
Marcus, Klein
Thomas the innkeeper, Nottingham
english architect, St. Denis Abbey
gate guard, Romania

Pick Lock - lvl: 2, dex: 40, mind: 20
cut-throats, Agrabah
Gawain, Tara (charges 30 gp)

Play - none
Allan-a-dale, Sherwood (charges 40gp)
Alfonso, Lima
Egil Skallagrimmson, Viking Scandinavia
poetic bard, Romania
itinerant musician, Tudor England
minstrel, Paris Opera
gypsy woman, Cartucci Carnival

Poisoning - per: 30, spi: 30?, min: 30?, it might be less, lvl: 5 or 6
Mohawk shaman, Canada
murderer, Lima
Major Pring, Somme

Poultice - Prereq: BANDAGE
Corcaighe, Celtic Ireland
tribal elder, Dreamtime
Gilbert of Blois, Sherwood
Apothekers apprentice, Klein

Praise - lvl 2, mind: 30, per: 30, Prereqs: PLAY or ELOQUENCE
young lord, Tudor England
Reverend Lawson, Salem
catholic priest, Romania (charges 125 gp)
eccentric shopkeeper, London Port
actors, San Francisco

Purify - spr: 45
Madame Decara, Agrabah
shaman, Nazca
dark-skinned woman, Dreamtime

Quickdraw - dex: 30, prereq: SNIPER
stranger, Pittsburgh (requires whiskey)

Rage - con: 40, str: 40, dex: 20
thief captain, Agrabah
pict gern-y-fhain, Roman Britain
angry Anasazi woman, Anasazi
Gisli the Grim, Viking Scandinavia
Robert deSable, GM Knights Templar, Crusades
Vlad, Romania (prereq: elite-whois)
Wu Chen, Industrial South Seas
Carlotta, Paris Opera

Repair - lvl: 2, mind: 20, con:20
metal worker, Nazca
Pytheus, Ithaca, Greece
Georg der Grobschmied, Klein
John the blacksmith, Lincolnshire (charges 50 gp)
tinker, Tudor London (SAY YES)
stout blacksmith, Quebec
metal worker, Melbourne (Find the foundry owner; ASK FOUNDRY TEACH; go to the foundry; ASK WORKER THE FOUNDRY OWNER SENT ME; ASK WORKER TEACH; ASK WORKER REPAIR)
You must also know FORGE to repair weapons.

Rescue - lvl: 6, con:30
captain-of-the-guard, Agrabah
Alam ad-din Sulaiman Jandar, Crusades
Mayor's bodyguard, Paris Opera
Father Juvenal, Alaska (need good align)

Retreat - spi: 5 and ???
Decurion (Coward), Roman Briton

Ride - lvl: 7, mind: 20, con: 30, str: 20, dex: 30, pres: 15
groom, Tara
adhoranah, Ancient India
groom, Klein (requires an apple)
bedouin youth, Crusades
queen's champion, Tudor England
conquistador captain, Lima
young groom, Quebec (requires an apple)
cowhands & vaqueros, San Francisco

Root - spr: 55, con: 30, Prereq: HERBLORE, BREW, POULTICE
Masai herbsman, African Savannah (requires sage)
Patakasu, Russian Alaska (requires an eagle feather)

Satire - lvl: 2, per: 30, mind: 30. Prereq: PRAISE
laidchen maqq barchedo, Scotland
Vebeorn, Viking Scandinavia
William Shakespeare, Tudor England
eccentric shopkeeper, London Port
actors, San Francisco
Redmond Barry, Melbourne
Father Nektar, Russian Alaska

Scan - lvl: 5, per: 35
Ali Baba, Agrabah
serving boy, Tara
shepherd, Roman Britain
poor brown-haired girl, Romania (requires fashionable ribbon)
Francois Morel, the scout, French & Indian War
goshawk, Alaska (WATCH GOSHAWK)
pirate sentry, Industrial South Seas
sentry, Somme

Sharpshooter - lvl: 15, per: 60. Prereq: MARKSMAN
Msr. Levassier, Tortuga
Sheriff Scannell, San Francisco
drill sergeant, Somme

Shipbuilding - lvl: 2, mind: 30
Guthwulf the boatmaker, Roman Britain
fisherman, Nazca (charges 50 gp)
Hans, Viking Scandinavia
Enrique the harbormaster, Lima
yardmaster, Quebec
harbormaster, Tortuga
harbor clerk, London Port (charges 100 gp)
shipwrights, Russian Alaska

Sing - lvl: 15, spr: 50, mind: 45, prereq: PLAY
Mephistofeles, Paris Opera House (requires Score to Faust)
singing Anasazi woman, Anasazi

Skin - lvl: 2
T'Kalo's apprentice, Industrial Savannah
Koniag women, 1802 Alaska
trappers, French & Indian War

Sneak - lvl: 3, dex: 50
thieves, Agrabah
pict warrior, Roman Britain (requires lorica)
sneaky looking fellow, Nottingham (charges 50 gp)
Gawain, Tara (charges 30 gp)
Russian trappers, Alaska

Sniper - lvl: 35, per: 80, prereq: SHARPSHOOTER
Sheriff Scannell, San Francisco

Steal - lvl: 3, dex: 45, per: 20
Fith-fath, Tara
Thomas the innkeeper, Nottingham (charges 75 gp)
thief, Lima

Suckerpunch - str: 40, and not known what else
Angry Sidhe, Celtic Ireland
Irish Jim, Carnival
Margarete (german woman), Zanzibar

Sustained Breath - lvl: 2, con: 45, dex: 20
guestmaster, Lindesfarne
pookah, Celtic Ireland
sponge diver, Greece

Swim - lvl: 2, con: 30
sponge diver, Phoenicia
sailors, London Port
merchant sailors, San Francisco
sailors, Bengal
scruffy pirate, Industrial South Seas
hook-nosed captain, Bengal/London Port
sailors, Lima Breca, Beowulf

Swordsmanship (advanced) - lvl: 15, str: 60, min: 20
Sir Guy, Nottingham Castle
weaponeer, Bengal (charges 200 gp)
decurion, Roman Britain

Swordsmanship (basic) - lvl: 2, str: 40
Sir Guy, Nottingham Castle
weaponeer, Bengal (charges 200 gp)
legionaries, Roman Britain
bored guards, Russian Alaska

Swordsmanship (expert) - lvl: 30, str: 80, min: 25, perc: 20
Sir Guy, Nottingham Castle
weaponeer, Bengal (charges 200 gp)
centurions, Roman Britain

Tailor - lvl: 2, dex: 35, min: 35
Mustapha, Agrabah
Rhia the weaver, Celtic Ireland
weaver, Nazca (charges 50 gp)
Aleut women, Alaska
Madame de Costumes, Paris Opera

Tan - lvl: 2
Rhodry the tanner, Tara
Michael the tanner, Nottingham (charges 45 gp)
Karl the tanner, Klein
Athabascan women, Alaska (WATCH WOMAN)
dispirited weaver, Melbourne (Find the textiles merchant; ASK MERCHANT TEACH; go to the wool mill; ASK WEAVER THE TEXTILES MERCHANT SENT ME; ASK WEAVER TEACH; ASK WEAVER TAN)

Throw - lvl: 3, str: 25, dex: 30
brats, Celtic Ireland
dark-skinned man, Dreamtime
wiry youths, Ithaca, Greece
discus-thrower, Elis, Greece
ragged boy, Romania (charges 1 gp)
bomber, Somme
Ruhiu, African Savannah

Topple - dex: 80, per: 30, spi: 5, con: 50, str: 40
Japanese man, Pittsburg

Tumble - dex: 60, perc: 30
Will Stuteley, Sherwood (requires the real name of Will Scarlet: "Geoffrey Monfichet")
William Kempe, a player, Tudor England
thief, Lima

Valor - spi:25, dex or con or str: 85, level 25
Thorulf Fangtooth, Viking Scandinavia
Thore Splithaft, Viking Scandinavia
indian chief, French & Indian War

Warcry - lvl: 5, con: 50, str: 30
Beorc, Tara Dun
retired centurion, Roman Britain
Anasazi war-chief, Anasazi
janissary, Romania
Saif ad-Din Ali al-Mashtub, Crusades

Weapon Mastery - lvl: 25 and ???
Master Li, Industrial Macao (requires 200 gp)
Corporal Shekleton, Industrial Somme

Wrestling - not known
wrestlers, Ithaca, Greece

Industrial Era Gold Quests

You may perform the Tea Trade quest listed under WHOIS quests multiple times for the cash reward. The profit per unit is 150 gp.

Medieval Era Gold Quests

Fishmongering - Lima
Fish off the coast of Lima. Go to the merchant in Barranco. GIVE GOOD-SIZED MERCHANT. You get 1 coin! GIVE WHOPPER MERCHANT. You get 2 coins! Find and kill a bonita in the ocean. GET BONITA. GIVE BONITA MERCHANT. You get 3 coins!

Fur Trapping - Russian Alaska
Kill an otter and get its fur. Find a poacher in the St. Paul Fort and give it to him. He gives 700 gold to you!

Padre Ignacio Quest - Spain
Find Padre Ignacio (cadaverous-looking priest). -- ASK PRIEST MONEY. When he asks you if you would like to make some money, SAY YES and FOLLOW PRIEST. Padre Ignacio will then instruct you how to help, follow his instructions. -- GET COFFIN -- PUT COFFIN HOLE -- GET COFFIN -- PUT COFFIN HOLE.
--> You will get 100 coins for your trouble

Rat Catching - Tudor London
Find and kill rats in Tudor London. GET TAIL CORPSE. Find the rat catcher. GIVE TAIL CATCHER. He gives 25 coins to you. Note: you must give the tails one at a time -- do not use the * multiplier.

Soldier's Pay - Romania
Join the Elite Guard of Romania. On the first of the month, go to General Gales in the castle. ASK GALES PAY -- you get 50 gp!

Ancient Era Gold Quests

Agrabah Dump - Agrabah
Get any stuff lying around and go to the refuse dump, any stuff you drop here will vanish and you will get 1 coin each.

Medieval Era Favor Quests

Algonquin Friendship - Boston
Grants unfettered access to the woods north of Boston. See Algonquin Friendship Quest in Whois Quests section.

Elite Guard Quest - Romania
Grants you safe access to Vlad's Audience Chamber. See details in the Whois Quests section.

Freedom of the Forest - Sherwood
Freedom of the Forest grants you free passage by Will O' Green regardless of how much cash you are carrying. (Normally, Will will charge you 10% if you are carrying more than 1000 gp.) If your alignment should become non-good, Will will revoke your status the next time you encounter him. See Freedom of the Forest in the Whois Section for information on performing this quest.

Passing Christian Sentries - Crusades
Grants passage into the Christian camp in the Crusades. Perform on of the following.
Buy and carry a red or a green letter from the corsair in the Mediterranean.
Be a ritter (see Ritter Quest in Whois Quest Section)
Be a servant of Gerard (see Lemonade Quest in XP Quest section.)
Be a fellow Crusader (see Richard's Quest in the Whois Quest section.)
Be a Knight of Malta (see Knight of St. John's Quest)

Passing Muslem Sentries - Crusades
Allows unfettered access to the Muslem camp and Akka. Perform any of the following:
Buy and carry a blue letter from the corsair in the Mediterranean.
Be an Arab bounty hunter (see Agrabah prisoner quest in Whois Quest section)
Be an Arab freedom fighter (see Agrabah prisoner quest in Whois Quest section)
Akka Messenger Quest
Protector of Saladin (see Whois Quest section)

Rittertum - Kleinstadt
Grants 24-hour access through the Kleinstadt gate, simply ASK GUARD OPEN. Also grants access past the Christian sentries in Crusades. However, it also gains you disfavor in Viking Scandinavia, and certain mobs will be agg to you there.
See Whois Quests section for information.

Ancient Era Favor Quests

Aztec Redemption - Aztec
Find the potter in Nazca and buy a beautiful Nazcan pot. Find a merchant in Mexica (aka Aztec). ASK MERCHANT POT. If he responds with a favorable comment on Nazcan pottery, GIVE POT MERCHANT, otherwise find another merchant. He will give ten cocao beans to you. Find a sculptor, WHAP SCULPTOR. If he shows a statue of Tonatiu to you, GIVE BEANS SCULPTOR, otherwise, find another sculptor. He will give the statue of Tonatiu to you. Find a priest of Tonantzin. GIVE FIGURINE TONANTZIN. You are forgiven!

Blessing of Hades - Greece
Get a big hitter and a fouler, go to the Spring of Caanthus in Thebes. Foul the spring. Ares' dragon appears and attacks the fouler. Kill the dragon -- CARVE CORPSE. Go to the temple of Ares in Sparta, BUY BLACK pouch and PUT POUCH BRAZIER, PUT FILET BRAZIER
-->You are blessed by Hades!
-->You get the whois: ...carries the blessing of the king of the dead!
This is a permanent blessing.

Land of the Scyldings - Beowulf
The first time you attempt to enter the Land of the Scyldings, Hrothgar's thanes will block your path. He asks where you come from. SAY GEAT. He asks who you are. SAY BEOWULF. You are granted access to Scyld.

Mycenaen Favor - Greece
Go to Khornantus the boatmaker in Ithaca. Buy a bronze tripod. Go to either the south or east gate of Mycenae. ASK GUARD ENTER, then SAY YES -- You are escorted inside. Go to the throne room. KNEEL THRONE, PUT TRIPOD THRONE, KNEEL THRONE. You are granted Mycenaean favor!
Grants quicker pass throught the gates and allows you to perform the Enemy of Mycenae quest.

Mycenaen Redemption - Greece
Kill the Erymanthean boar and get its tusk. Find Lycurgus. ASK LYCURGUS MYCENAE. GIVE TUSK LYCURGUS. He gives a token and a scroll to you. WEAR TOKEN. Go to a gate. ASK GUARD ENTER, SAY YES. You are escorted inside. Go to the throne room. GIVE SCROLL STHENELUS, KNEEL THRONE. Your disfavor is lifted. Perform the friendship quest to regain full favor.

Sidhe Friendship - Celtic Ireland
Grants unfettered access to Sidhe lands near Tara. See details in the Whois Quests section.

Theban Favor - Greece
Go to the southern gate of Thebes -- ASK GUARD ENTER, SAY YES. You are escorted inside. Find Amphitryon -- ASK KING FRIENDSHIP. Go west into the Gym -- ASK WRESTLER WRESTLE, repeat. Return to Amphitryon -- you are granted Theban favor!

Theban Redemption - Greece
Kill the Calydonian boar and get its hide. Give the hide to King Oeneas outside of Thebes -- he will give a token and a golden tripod to you. Wear the token. Go to Amphitryon in Thebes. GIVE TRIPOD AMPHYTRION. You lose Theban enmity. Reperform the friendship quest to regain favor.

Industrial Era Directions

From Bengal (inn) to London (inn)

From Casablanca (ticket seller) to London (inn)

From Casablanca (ticket seller) to North Africa (Tebessa)

From London (inn) to Savannah (beach)

From London (inn) to Bengal (inn)

Medieval Era Directions

From Alhambra (inn) to Tudor London (inn)
w;s;w;s;w;w;w;n;n;n;e;n;n;n;w;w;w;u;n;n;n;n;open n;n

From Alhambra (inn) to Saint Denis Abbey (altar)

From Alhambra (inn) to Sherwood (inn)

From Alhambra (inn) to Lindisfarne (guestmaster)

From Alhambra (inn) to Scandinavia (helga)

From Kleinstadt (inn) to Saint Denis Abbey (altar)

From Kleinstadt (inn) to Alhambra (inn)

Ancient Era Directions

From Agrabah (inn) to Roman Britain (Orkney crossroads)

From Aztec (palace) to Roman Britain (Orkney crossroads)

From Aztec (palace) to Nazca (zombie)

From Tara (reception) to Roman Britain (Orkney crossroads)

From Tara (reception) to Ithaca (docks)

From Ithaca (docks) to Lotus Isle

From Ithaca (docks) to Circe's Isle
e;s;e;w;e;w;n;kill dogfish 3*;w;s;kill dogfish 2*;w;n;kill dogfish 2*;n

From Ithaca (docks) to Kraken's den
e;s;e;w;e;w;n;kill dogfish 3*;w;s;kill dogfish 2*;w;d

From Ithaca (docks) to Thrinakia
e;s;e;n;e;s;kill dogfish 3*;e;s;e;e

From Ithaca (docks) to Cyclopes' Isle
e;s;e;n;e;s;kill dogfish 3*;e;n;e;s;s

From Roman Britain (Orkney crossroads) to Isle of Man (druid)

From Ithaca (docks) to Kalypso's Isle

From Ithaca (docks) to Realm of the Dead

From Ithaca (docks) to Roman Britain (Orkney crossroads)

From Roman Britain (Orkney crossroads) to Ithaca (docks)

From Roman Britain (Orkney crossroads) to Tara (reception)

From Isle of Man (druid) to Roman Britain (Orkney crossroads)

From Roman Britain (Orkney crossroads) to Agrabah (inn)

From Agrabah (inn) to Roman Britain (Orkney crossroads)

From Beowulf (inn) to Roman Britain (Orkney crossroads)

From Roman Britain (Orkney crossroads) to Beowulf (inn)

From Nazca (zombie) to Roman Britain (Orkney crossroads)

From Roman Britain (Orkney crossroads) to Nazca (zombie)

From Roman Britain (Orkney crossroads) to Aztec (palace)

From Nazca (zombie) to Aztec (palace)

From Tara (reception) to Ithaca (docks)

Industrial Era XP Rooms

African Savannah
Atop Kilimanjaro

In a Bungalow ranger gisborne's hut

Cartucci Carnival Spectacular
The Center of the Mirror Maze

On the Moon! in the cinema

Industrial Pacific Ocean
Somewhere in the Middle of the Pacific

St. Stephen's Church vampire's room

The Blackjack Room big jim's room

In a Small Clearing aborigine camp in the outback

Pushing through Dense Undergrowth in the outback

Paris Opera House
dusty room above christine's dressing room

On a Ledge path to Mt. Washington, next to DT

San Francisco
extreme narrow crawlspace room with fools gold

The Superintendent's Office Lumbermill office. Whilst flying go UW from Below the Waterwheel

Sargasso Sea
Amidst the Canary Islands

Above the Clouds

Medieval Era XP Rooms

A Path Through the Bushes entrance to Yupik village

In a Dark Room east of the Inuit shaman's room

In the Rapids Along the Richelieu River

Swept Along by Rapids west of Fort Ticonderoga

An Indian Burial Site on Ile St. Jean ghostly maiden

Behind the Waterfall west of Fort Ticonderoga

A Giant Landslide northwest of Mosul

Before the Wall 2w of Gerard's Tent

Among the Jinn on wall of Akka

hidden room south of the altar

small ravine east of town

The Port Road west end of town

dark cave east of town

Hidden Cave just Above Sea Level on cirkewwa

Medieval South Seas
In a Cave large island in South Seas

Smidja Proper north of Bjarni

the narrow window ledge down from prison tower, beware: above a DT!

an unused graveyard

hidden indian path not the room with the indian

an old shack in the woods

the treasury robin's hideout

St. Denis Abbey
The Cloister between church and well

SPITTED ON A STONE CRENNELLATION! abbey roof (warning: deathtrap!)

small garden plot on jacque's plantation

Tudor London
The Moorfield north from Cheapside

Under the Wings

Ancient Era XP Rooms

Aboriginal Dreamtime
Atop a Rocky Escarpment Wonjuru's tribe's highlands camp

Drifting Across a Shallow Lake

A Vast Cave near Binjarra's tribe

On the Ridge of a Sand Dune stare and sleep at the mural south, west of Douban

the safe n of the jeweller (picklock or use the jewellers key)

A Treasure Room down from Chaco's workroom

End of a Canyon between Kayenta and Chaco

Southern Desert

Celtic Ireland
The bog north of 'Under a stone Dolmen'

The River Boyne north of DT near Bane Sidhe

Observation Deck druid's compound

Caught in a Sidhe Ring south of the swamps

A Secret Alcove off Maev's room

a secret armsroom 2 e of the linen closet

The Linen Closet in the Dun

Inside the Pyramid see xp quests for details

A Great Chamber in the Realm of the Dead Hades room

A Shrine among the Fierce-girt Trees west of Ithaca


The Great Hall Palace of the Phaiakians

Outside the Ruins of Troy east coast of the Aegean Sea

Atop a Mountain Peak mystic's room, west of the lower village

Between Two Armies ancient battlefield

FACE TO FACE WITH A SEA-SERPENT! east of the Yucatan, sea serpent's room

A Hut metal worker's room

The Altiplano east of village

Roman Britain
a secret chamber pictland (at the shade of the pict chief)

entrance of a building isle of man

roman intersection fork to orkney, pictland, southern britain

narrow cleft morgawr's room


a beautifully carved bed
Location Boston: wandering merchant
Cost 540

a beautifully carved chair
Location Boston: wandering merchant
Cost 270

a beautifully designed chest
Location Pittsburgh: Mr. Sweeny
Cost 180

a bed with threadbare covers
Location Melbourne: Jim Davies

a bedroll
Location Alaska: Andreev the trader
Cost 2400

a brass bed
Location Boston: wandering merchant
Cost 900

a brightly covered tapestry
Location Ithaca: Khornantus the boatmaker
Cost 150

a cast iron bath tub
Location Pittsburgh: Mr. Sweeny
Cost 225

a cast iron bath tub
Location Alaska: Vimka Mazen
Cost 210

a cedarwood table inlaid with ivory
Location Malta: Gwann the carpenter
Cost 1400

a chamber pot
Location Malta: Paul the smith
Cost 1

a coffee pot
Location Pittsburgh: Mr. Sweeny
Notes coffee fountain
Cost 7500

a coffee table
Location Pittsburgh: Mr. Sweeny
Cost 225

a comfortable bed
Location Dal Riada: Nemain the clothier
Cost 154

a comfortable bed
Location Pittsburgh: Mr. Sweeny
Cost 165

a comfortable bed
Location Ithaca: Khornantus the boatmaker
Cost 165

a comfortable bed
Location Melbourne: Jim Davies

a comfortable bed
Location Malta: Paul the smith
Cost 154

a crowded display shelf
Location St. Denis Abbey: craftsman
Cost 250

a desk
Location Kleinstadt: Heinrich der Holzbeite

a dining table
Location Pittsburgh: Mr. Sweeny
Cost 300

a dressing table
Location Dal Riada: Nemain the clothier
Cost 140

a dressing table
Location Melbourne: Jim Davies
Cost 150

a driftwood box
Location Alaska: Andreev the trader
Cost 212

a fine woolen carpet
Location Melbourne: Jack Thompson
Cost 375

a floral armchair
Location Melbourne: Jim Davies

a floral armchair
Location Pittsburgh: Mr. Sweeny
Cost 187

a floral armchair
Location Malta: Gwann the carpenter
Cost 175

a giant dining table
Location Malta: Gwann the carpenter
Cost 140

a gray piece of slate
Location Dal Riada: Cathual the tanner
Notes discussion board
Cost 1120

a heavily carved chair
Location Melbourne: Jim Davies

a heavily carved chair
Location Malta: Gwann the carpenter
Cost 182

a heavy wood desk
Location Alaska: Andreev the trader
Cost 1600

a low couch
Location Ithaca: Khornantus the boatmaker
Cost 150

a low couch
Location Melbourne: Jim Davies
Cost 150

a low couch
Location Pittsburgh: Mr. Sweeny
Cost 150

a mail sack
Location Boston: wandering merchant
Notes mailbox
Cost 144

a metal chest
Location Melbourne: Arthur Andrews
Notes mailbox

a metal chest
Location London Port: postal worker
Notes mailbox
Cost 100

a narrow pallet
Location Dal Riada: Nemain the clothier
Cost 70

a news sheet
Location Melbourne: Lucky John
Notes news board

a padded horsehair chair
Location St. Denis Abbey: craftsman
Cost 125

a paper scroll
Location Boston: wandering merchant
Notes local board
Cost 144

a pile of comfortable furs
Location Alaska: Andreev the trader
Cost 48

a plain wooden table
Location Pittsburgh: Mr. Sweeny

a plain wooden table
Location Melbourne: Jim Davies

a rose bush
Location Boston: wandering merchant
Cost 180

a scrap of vellum
Location Ithaca: Khornantus the boatmaker
Notes welcome board
Cost 1200

a scroll with the latest news
Location Ithaca: Khornantus the boatmaker
Notes news board
Cost 1200

a set of shelves
Location Alaska: Andreev the trader
Cost 128

a sheet of important information
Location Melbourne: Lucky John
Notes welcome board

a short stool
Location Alaska: Andreev the trader
Cost 80

a short stool
Location Melbourne: Jim Davies

a short stool
Location Dal Riada: Nemain the clothier
Cost 70

a short stool
Location Craftsman in St. Denis
Cost 62

a silk-covered sofa
Location Melbourne: Jim Davies

a silk-covered sofa
Location Pittsburgh: Mr. Sweeny
Cost 225

a silver candelabra
Location Malta: Paul the smith
Cost 1400

a simple stone bench
Location Alaska: Andreev the trader
Cost 800

a simple wooden chair
Location Boston: wandering merchant
Cost 180

a small carved table
Location Boston: wandering merchant
Cost 360

a small wooden bookshelf
Location Boston: wandering merchant
Cost 360

a solid storage chest
Location Pittsburgh: Mr. Sweeny
Cost 225

a solid storage chest
Location St. Denis Abbey: craftsman
Cost 187

a stone basin
Location Ithaca: Khornantus the boatmaker
Notes container
Cost 75

a stone bench
Location Ithaca: Khornantus the boatmaker
Cost 150

a stove
Location Pittsburgh: Mr. Sweeny
Cost 450

a tall bookshelf
Location St. Denis Abbey: craftsman
Cost 150

a tall bookshelf
Location Melbourne: Jim Davies

a tall bookshelf
Location Malta: Gwann the carpenter
Cost 168

a tall bookshelf
Location Alaska: Andreev the trader
Cost 192

a tall bookshelf
Location Pittsburgh: Mr. Sweeny
Cost 180

a tea kettle
Location Alaska: Vimka Mazen
Notes tea fountain
Cost 28000

a tightly-lidded jug of barley beer
Location Egypt: Sentnay
Notes beer fountain
Cost 5000

a visitor's book
Location Melbourne: Lucky John
Notes local board

a war banner
Location Dal Riada: Cathual the tanner
Notes war board
Cost 1120

a wooden chair
Location Kleinstadt: Heinrich der Holzbeite

a wooden rocking chair
Location Alaska: Andreev the trader
Cost 144

a wooden rocking chair
Location Melbourne: Jim Davies

a wooden rocking chair
Location Pittsburgh: Mr. Sweeny
Cost 135

a wooden trough
Location St. Denis Abbey: craftsman
Notes fountain, ask him about it to buy
Cost 31250

a writing desk
Location Ithaca: Khornantus the boatmaker
Notes local board
Cost 1200

a wrought iron bench
Location Alaska: Vimka Mazen
Cost 140

an ice box
Location Pittsburgh: Mr. Sweeny
Cost 450

an oak cabinet
Location Craftsman in St. Denis
Notes no description in room
Cost 625

an oak table
Location Pittsburgh: Mr. Sweeny
Cost 225

an oak table
Location Melbourne: Jim Davies

an oak table
Location Alaska: Andreev the trader
Cost 240

an oak table
Location Malta: Gwann the carpenter
Cost 210

an oak table
Location Pittsburgh: Mr. Sweeny
Cost 225

an oak table
Location Dal Riada: Nemain the clothier
Cost 210

an official dispatch pouch
Location Sekenaten in Egypt
Notes mailbox
Cost 2000

an old armchair
Location Malta: Gwann the carpenter
Cost 1

iron bandings
Location Alaska: Vimka Mazen
Notes for reinforcing doors
Cost 2800

iron hinges
Location Alaska: Vimka Mazen
Notes for reenforcing doors
Cost 1400

the bed
Location Boston: wandering merchant

the table
Location Malta: Gwann the carpenter
Cost 2100

various locks
Location Alaska: Vimka Mazen

various locks
Location Pittsburgh: Mr. Sweeny
Notes has nearly impenetrable lock

various locks
Location Melbourne: Arthur Andrews

various locks
Location Agrabah jeweler
Notes also sells nearly impenetrable one

various locks
Location Tudor London: tinker

various plants
Location Alaska: Andreev the trader
Notes when in season, ASK TRADER PLANTS