Monday, October 20, 2008

Medieval Era Trans Quests

Carribean Sea to Sargasso Sea - (industrial)
Go to the Tortuga fortress and BUY SHOVEL, have the shovel in your inventory and go to Redbeard (DONT HUNT - HUNT WILL LEAD INTO DT). Redbeard will ask you to help him, SAY YES. You are transferred! WAKE. You are on an atoll. To hit the standard travel-route from London to Bengal go NEN4E

Lima to Nazca - (ancient)
Go to the inquisition under the cathedral, SAY KNIFE. One of the prisoners will give you a 'tumi', go to Dr. Ruiz and GIVE TUMI DOCTOR, now go to the center of the Spiral on the Nazca Plain south of Lima SLEEP. You are transferred! WAKE

Sherwood to Roman Britain - (ancient)
Find Nell -- BUY CARROT. Find a rabbit -- GIVE CARROT RABBIT. The rabbit follows you. Go to the circle of trees (2W from Will'o'Green). SACRIFICE RABBIT, SIT CIRCLE, PONDER SELF You are transferred! WAKE

Sherwood to Victorian London - (industrial)
Go to 'Sutton Hoo' (2ESENENE from Stag), GET RIVET. Find the smith in Lincolnshire, GIVE RIVET SMITH. Return to 'Sutton Hoo', OPEN TUNNEL. You are transferred! WAKE

South Seas to Nazca - (ancient)
Buy an empanada (Available in Lima and Granada.) Give the empanada to the native man. You are transferred!

South Seas to South Seas - (industrial)
Give an angelica necklace (created by make amulet skill) to the native man. You are transferred!

Viking Scandinavia to Beowulf - (ancient)
Go to Helga and BUY MEAD (if Helga won't sell a meadskin to you, you can get one from the mattress in Vemund and Vethor's room), find Egil and ASK EGIL STORY, wait till she is done talking, GIVE MEAD EGIL then wait till he returns the mead to you, DRINK MEAD. You are transferred! WAKE

Yerba Buena to San Francisco - (industrial)
Buy a candle (available in Tudor Dew Droppe Inn or Russian Fort) and go to the mission at Yerba Buena. GIVE CANDLE PRIEST, then MOURN. You are transferred! WAKE

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