Monday, October 20, 2008

Medieval Era Gold Quests

Fishmongering - Lima
Fish off the coast of Lima. Go to the merchant in Barranco. GIVE GOOD-SIZED MERCHANT. You get 1 coin! GIVE WHOPPER MERCHANT. You get 2 coins! Find and kill a bonita in the ocean. GET BONITA. GIVE BONITA MERCHANT. You get 3 coins!

Fur Trapping - Russian Alaska
Kill an otter and get its fur. Find a poacher in the St. Paul Fort and give it to him. He gives 700 gold to you!

Padre Ignacio Quest - Spain
Find Padre Ignacio (cadaverous-looking priest). -- ASK PRIEST MONEY. When he asks you if you would like to make some money, SAY YES and FOLLOW PRIEST. Padre Ignacio will then instruct you how to help, follow his instructions. -- GET COFFIN -- PUT COFFIN HOLE -- GET COFFIN -- PUT COFFIN HOLE.
--> You will get 100 coins for your trouble

Rat Catching - Tudor London
Find and kill rats in Tudor London. GET TAIL CORPSE. Find the rat catcher. GIVE TAIL CATCHER. He gives 25 coins to you. Note: you must give the tails one at a time -- do not use the * multiplier.

Soldier's Pay - Romania
Join the Elite Guard of Romania. On the first of the month, go to General Gales in the castle. ASK GALES PAY -- you get 50 gp!

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