Monday, October 20, 2008

Medieval Era Equipment Quests

astrological chart - Tudor London
Go to tinker and BUY PARCHMENT. Go to printer and BUY INKPOT. Find Dr Dee in the Palace. ASK DEE CHART, GIVE PARCHMENT DEE, GIVE POT DEE.
--> You get xp!
--> You get an astrological chart

bear fur rug - Alaska
Kill bears until you get a bear fur. Get a jar of whale oil from one of the huts in the Inuit village. Disarm yourself and fight a porcupine until he shoots his quills at you, then kill him. Get some blueberries or strawberries. Find the Athabascan village. ASK WOMAN TRADE. If she responds favorably, ASK WOMAN RUG, otherwise ask another Athabascan woman. GIVE OIL WOMAN, GIVE QUILLS WOMAN, GIVE BERRIES WOMAN, GIVE FUR WOMAN. Wait two MUD-days. Return to the woman. ASK WOMAN RUG. You get a bear fur rug for your home!

beautiful bouquet of wild roses - Malta
Get five roses from the thicket in the Rose Garden in Mdina on Malta. Find the raven-tressed vendor in Mdina (she sells fruit). GIVE ROSE VENDOR. She asks for another. Repeat giving roses to her as she asks for them. You get a beautiful bouquet of wild roses.

Brightly Polished Spectacles - Abbey
Collect a goose feather by killing the goose in Beowulf. Also find the inkwell which is lying around the Abbey. Find the scribe in the Abbey, GIVE INKWELL SCRIBE. The scribe will give a speech after which you should GIVE FEATHER SCRIBE
->You'll get brightly polished spectacles.

carved walrus tusk - Alaska
Travel around in Alaska and find an abalone shell and a leg bone. Kill a walrus and get its tusk. Get some bullrush reeds from the marsh and find an Aleut woman. GIVE REEDS WOMAN. She gives a small woven basket to you. Find Kala in the Yupik village. GIVE ABALONE KALA. GIVE BONE KALA. GIVE BASKET KALA. GIVE TUSK KALA.
-> You receive a carved walrus tusk!
Go to the Inuit shaman and ask him to bless it.
-> You get an even better carved walrus tusk.

cat-like masque - Spain
see 'WHOIS-QUESTS' about how to get:
... once rescued a beautiful princess from captivity!

cedar eagle charm - Alaska
See information on the Tlingit Chief Quests in the 'WHOIS-QUESTS' section about how to get:
... helped a Tlingit chief kill a Russian governor.

crimson sash - Tudor London
See information on the Tudor Espionage Quest in the 'WHOIS-QUESTS' section about how to get:
... has been branded a traitor to the Crown of England!

cured fish - Viking Scandinavia
See the Trout Quest in the 'WHOIS-QUESTS' section about how to get:
... once caught a trout the size of a boat!

dragon emblazed shield - Romania
See Overthrow of the King in 'WHOIS-QUESTS' about how to get:
...assisted in the overthrow of the Romanian king by his brother!
or see Ottoman Conquest to get:
...took a pivotal role in helping the Ottoman Empire conquer Romania!
or see Removal of the Insane King to get:
...contributed in the removal of an insane Romanian king!

eagle feather - French & Indian War
Go to the Canadian forest. Find the room where an eagle feather is lying on the ground and GET FEATHER (+1 dex). Now find the wounded eagle somewhere in the forest. GIVE FEATHER EAGLE. It will fly away but will lose another feather. GET FEATHER (now +4 dex).

embroidered sash - Tudor London
See Tudor Espionage Quest in 'WHOIS-QUESTS' about how to get:
... once served Queen Elizabeth!

filligree silver bird with bloodstones for eyes - Malta
See Francesca's Quest in the Whois-Quest section.

Key to the City - Tudor England
BUY ALE at mistress Quickley, find the Lord Mayor's servant, WAKE SERVANT, GIVE ALE SERVANT, he will give you a piece of mangled metal, go to the tinker, and ASK TINKER REPAIR, ASK TINKER MAINSPRING, GIVE 200 COINS TINKER and GIVE METAL TINKER, after he gave it back to you go to the mayor in his office and GIVE MAINSPRING MAYOR You'll receive KEY TO THE CITY
(quest may be repeated)

Knight's Crest - Boston
see 'WHOIS-QUESTS' about how to get:
... aided in bringing a Puritan minister to justice!

Lute - Spain
see 'WHOIS-QUESTS' about how to get:
... once rescued a beautiful princess from captivity!

odd, Semitic looking runes - Malta
Find Aaron in Malta. Attack Aaron. He will summon a golem to assist him. TARGET GOLEM. If Aaron dies before the golem, the golem poofs. Get the runes from the golem's corpse.

Onyx Ear Cuff - Boston
see 'WHOIS-QUESTS' about how to get:
... aided in revenging a puritan man's life!

Red Tunic - Boston
see 'WHOIS-QUESTS' about how to get:
... aided in bringing a Puritan minister to justice!

Shade of Jean Parisot de la Valette - Malta
Your party must include an evil member. Go to the basement of the Cathedral of St. John. The shade of Jean Parisot will attack one of your evil groupmates. Kill shade.
-> You get the suit of golden plate mail!
-> You get the red-white cross banner St. John!

Silver Feather - Boston
see 'WHOIS-QUESTS' about how to get:
... aided in revenging a puritan man's life!

small ginaquq - Russian Alaska
Gather some bearberries. Find a Koniag child in the St. Paul Fort and give them to him. He gives a small ginaquq to you!

strip of (colored) silk - Malta
Possible colors are black, blue, red, green, white, and yellow. Color recieved is random.
Pick the lock to the slave prison and enter. The Persian youth will implore you to find the Turkish captain near Xemxija. Go to the village square of Xemxija on the island of Cirkewwa, then go 2N. SAY THE BIRDS ARE CAGED. You get a strip of (colored) silk. Leave to the south. DO NOT RETURN.

thin silver earring with an emerald - Malta
You must be a Knight of St. John.
Go to Aaron. ASK AARON SON. Find Geoffrey of Lancaster. ASK LANCASTER JEW. Find the young prisoner on the Battlements of Valetta or in the Slave Prison. ASK YOUNG JOSHUA. Return to Aaron. SAY JOSHUA IS DEAD.
-> You get xp!
-> You get a thin silver earring with an emerald!

Wrist Guard - Tudor London
You must be below level 10.
Go to the tinker in Tudor London and buy an arrow. Find the archer in Moorgate field and GIVE ARROW ARCHER.
You'll receive WRIST GUARD

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