Monday, October 20, 2008

Ancient Era Equipment Quests

abalone earring - Greece
see 'STAT-Quests' about how to get +3 strength!

Aladdin's Lamp - Agrabah
Go down from the Sultan's Dais in Agrabah. OPEN CASE, GET INCENSE CASE. Go to Madame Decara. GIVE INCENSE DECARA. She will give you a small pouch of powder. Go to the Magician in the palace and GIVE POUCH MAGICIAN. (if you are a lowbie wait until you have full move points before you give the pouch to him.) FOLLOW MAGICIAN. He will lead you to a cavern and shove you in. STAND, go d3n2u, GET LAMP NICHE, POLISH LAMP. The djinn appears. ASK DJINN ENEMY -- this kills the Magician, who would otherwise attack you. ASK DJINN TRANSPORTATION -- this transports you out of the cavern. You now have one final wish:
a.) ASK DJINN ARMOR -> you receive the Best Armor in the World!
b.) ASK DJINN WEAPON -> you receive the Best Weapon in the World!
c.) ASK DJINN WORLD PEACE -> you receive World Peace!
d.) ASK DJINN DESIRE -> you will get a Signet Ring!
This quest may be repeated again and again.

Anasazi rattles
Perform the Rain Dance Quest listed in the Whois Quest section. You get one of the following:
-> rattle with a thundercloud
-> rattle with a rain drop
-> rattle with a lightning bolt

Arjuna's Conch shell horn - India
see 'WHOIS-QUESTS' about how to get:
... has faced the asura and has emerged victorious!

Belly Dancer's Stuff - Agrabah
These comprise two finger cymbals, two bangle bracelets, and a pair of anklets covered with tiny bells.
See information on the Belly Dancer Quest in the 'WHOIS-Quests' section about how to get:
...watched an exotic dancer for hours!

best armor in the world - Agrabah
See information about Aladdin's Lamp in EQ-QUEST section.

best weapon in the world - Agrabah
See information about Aladdin's Lamp in EQ-QUEST section.

Birdshape - Beowulf
find an eagle in Beowulf, KILL EAGLE and GET WING CORPSE, go to modthryth (DONT LOOK AT HER) and GIVE WING MODTHRYTH. You'll receive BIRDSHAPE!

Blackthorne Ring - Celtic Ireland
see 'WHOIS-QUESTS' about how to get:
... has gained the favor of Finarra, king of the unseelie Sidhe!

Boar's Head Helmet - Beowulf
see 'WHOIS-QUESTS' about how to get:
... has completed a great task, and is fit for the meadhalls of Walhalla!

Bow of Godiva - India
see 'WHOIS-QUESTS' about how to get:
... has faced the asura and has emerged victorious!

brine-crusted ring - Roman Britain
Below Hadrian's Wall, find and kill Morgawr. Quaff orange potion. GET RING CORPSE. Find a create mage and ask him/her to dispel the magic from the ring.

bronze armor of Achilles - Greece
Go to the throne room in Sparta. TELL ADVISOR ZEUS -- the adviser will give you a narrow rod with a twist at one end. (Rod is timed.) Disarm the trap on the statue. Enter the statue and wait. After the wizard casts his spell, you may exit the statue. From the Docks of Ithaca go 4e2n2e2nwswd. Be careful of doing this at low levels, there are multiple level 15 agg mobs that are annoying on the way. You must have sustained breath to submerge. Once you enter the room the Kraken will fall asleep for 1 tick. LOOK FORMATION, GET ARMOR You'll have armor of Achilles!

bronze horse collar - Greece
To obtain the collar from Hector's horse you must kill Hector first, then the horse. A common strategy is to sleep or entrance the horse while killing Hector.

coin-draped headdress - Agrabah
See information on the Matchmaker Quest in the 'WHOIS-QUESTS' section about how to get:
... played matchmaker for the arabian royalty!

conch shell earring - Greece
See the Strength Quest in the 'STAT-Quests' section about how to get +3 strength!

eagle-feather armband - Anasazi
Find the Anasazi War-chief in the northwestern village. ASK CHIEF WAR, ASK CHIEF OFFERINGS, ASK CHIEF EAGLE. He states he needs an eagle's egg. Find the tree with the eagle's nest (You will need to fly or climb.) -- GET EGG NEST. Return to the War-chief. GIVE EGG CHIEF. The chief will return it to you and ask you to put it in the nest. PUT EGG NEST. The chief asks you to find worms. Many of the Anasazi have worms or you can ask a mage to forage for you until he produces worms. Return to the war-chief. GIVE WORMS CHIEF. The egg hatches.
-> You get xp!
-> You get an eagle-feather armband!

earring of Morrigan - Celtic Ireland
In the forest east of Tara, kill squirrels until you loot a crow's feather. Give the feather to Donnegal in the Tara temple. He will give an earring of Morrigan to you. This quest may be performed twice.

eye of the cyclopes - Greece
Do not attack Polythemus in his cave. You will be trapped! Find Polythemus on his island in the Aegean Sea. Kill him. Caution: He will summon his brothers who will assist him. GET EYE CORPSE. Kill or calm the brothers, or flee. You'll have the eye of cyclops!

fishshape - Beowulf
Find a pike in Beowulf, KILL PIKE, GET SCALES CORPSE, go to modthryth (DONT LOOK AT HER) and GIVE SCALES MODTHRYTH You'll receive FISHSHAPE!

gold figurine - Nazca
Go to the River Ford east of the Nazca village. GET CLAY RIVERBED. OPEN CLAY. GET ROCK CLAY. Find the craftswoman and GIVE ROCK WORKER. You receive a GOLD FIGURINE!

gold neck ring - Beowulf
see 'WHOIS-QUESTS' about how to get:
... has completed a great task, and is fit for the meadhalls of Walhalla!

gold ring - Nazca
Find the puma in Nazca and kill him. In the same room you'll find the bones of another adventurer who died here. GET RING SKELETON. You get a GOLD RING.

gossamer silk cloak - Anasazi
See Whois Quests for information on:
...has slain the Spider Grandmother of the Anasazi.

gossamer silk leggings - Anasazi
See Whois Quests for information on:
...has slain the Spider Grandmother of the Anasazi.

Grey Battle Shirt - Beowulf
see 'WHOIS-QUESTS' about how to get:
... has completed a great task, and is fit for the meadhalls of Walhalla!

heavy bull's hide gauntlets - Greece
Find the Cretan Bull east of Thebes and kill it. Get its hide. Find Chiron the centaur and give the hide to him. He gives heavy bull's hide gauntlets to you.

Kangaroo-Skin Cloak - Aborigine Dreamtime
see 'WHOIS-QUESTS' about how to get:
... with brain and brawn, managed to rid the world of two savage giants!

Kraken Trophy Belt - Greece
Kill the Kraken in Peleponnes Isles (very tough) and get the tentacle out of its corpse, HUNT ERYTHRA, GIVE TENTACLE ERYTHRA You'll have KRAKEN TROPHY BELT!

laurel crown - Roman Britain
Your strength must be >= 41. Find laurel (A leafy plant is growing here by the roadside.) along the Roman roads. GIVE LAUREL MERCHANT. He gives a laurel crown to you!

lion scalp headdress - Greece
See the Nemean Lion quest in the Whois Quest section.

lion's hide leggings - Greece
Find the Cithearon Lion east of Thebes. Kill it. Don't follow it into its lair. GET HIDE CORPSE. Go to Chiron. GIVE HIDE CHIRON. You get lion's hide leggings!

longsword Hrunting - Beowulf
The sword obtained via the quest is Q5. The sword obtained by killing Hrothgar outside the quest is Q4.
See 'WHOIS-QUESTS' about how to get:
... has completed a great task, and is fit for the meadhalls of Walhalla!

Medallion of Office - Roman Britain
Go to the wineseller in Aquae Sulis. ASK WINESELLER PAGAN. He will reply with an explanation about the sun god Mithras. Go to Ausonius (2n from wineseller shop). ASK AUSONIUS MITHRAS. He'll give you the medallion of office!

Mirror Shield - Greece
see 'STAT-QUESTS' about how to get +3 dexterity.

Nuada's Sword - Shadowlands
This casts 'dispel magic' so it's useful against calatin, be sure to bring a serpent mask with you into the Shadowlands, after killing the witches, WEAR MASK and have fly and see invisible cast upon you, go east into the deathtrap and GET SWORD, return and have dispel magic cast on the invisible sword You'll have Nuada's Sword!

Nucklavee's eq - Celtic Ireland
Go to the Center of the Swamp and SIT -- you'll sink beneath the swamp. Go wswswse and KILL NUCKLAVEE (a rather tough lvl 50 mob.) GET ALL CORPSE. Go wnwu to exit. Go to Agnes -- ASK AGNES TEACH, GIVE CLAW AGNES. She will shape the claw into a weapon. You receive the NUCKALVEE'S CLAW!

Old rare spellbook - Salem
see 'WHOIS-QUESTS' about how to get:
... has brought a witch to justice and saved the village children!

Ornate Headdress of shells - Aborigine Dreamtime
see 'WHOIS-QUESTS' about how to get:
... with brain an brawn, managed to rid the world of two savage giants!

pendant engraved with a stylized hawk - Greece
Go to the country of the winds. (From the docks of Ithaca go 2E 2N E S E N 2S.) ASK AEOLUS ODYSSEUS; he asks you to retrieve his lost bag. The bag is inside one of several sei whales which wander six contiguous underwater rooms. (From the docks of Ithaca go E S E N E S E D.) Kill sei whales until you find the bag. WARNING: these rooms are also populated with aggressive squid and dogfish. Return to Aeolus. GIVE BAG AEOLUS.
You get XP!
You receive a pendant engraved with a stylized hawk!
This quest is required to be completed to receive the Companion of Odysseus whois.

Platinum Leaf - Celtic Ireland
see 'WHOIS-QUESTS' about how to get:
... has gained the favor of Oonagh, Queen of the Daoine Sidhe!

Polished Scale - Greece
Obtain the Blessing of Hades. (See Favor Quest section for information.) Find Satyrus the seer in Ithaca -- ASK SATYRUS CIRCE, ASK SATYRUS PORTENTS, ASK SATYRUS TWO EAGLES. Go to cockatrice in Hades -- ASK COCKATRICE BOON -- he gives you a transluscent scale. Go to Azteca. Get limestone from the quarry. Go to Pytheas the smith in Ithaca -- GIVE SCALE SMITH, GIVE LIMESTONE SMITH. Wait. You receive a polished scale!

Pulunhoya's shield & Puukonhoya's spear - Anasazi
Find the Anasazi war-chief in Canyon Town. ASK CHIEF GODS. He cautions you against summoning them. ASK CHIEF SUMMON GODS. He summons the gods. They chat with the war-chief then attack. Defeat them to get the spear and shield.

runed-circle ring - Celtic Ireland
Obtain the tarnished silver ring. (See Midir Quest in Whois section.) Find Agnes in the swamp south of the crossroads. GIVE RING AGNES -> she gives a runed-circle ring to you!

serpent mask - Celtic Ireland
Get clover from the sheep coral. Find a sheep -- GIVE CLOVER SHEEP -- the sheep now follows you. Find Diancecht. Kill the sheep. Diancecht gives a serpent mask to you.

Shadow of the Asura - India
see 'WHOIS-QUESTS' about how to get:
... has faced the asura and has emerged victorious!

Shadowland Stuff
see 'WHOIS-QUESTS' about how to get:
... has freed Midir the Proud from the clutches of the demon kings!
Here you may find:
Plain Silver Necklace
Dusty Leather Boots
Tarnished Silver Ring
Tarnished Silver Bracelet
Silver Bracelet
Tiny Crystal Earring
Tiny Emerald Earring
Heavy Woven Kilt

Shamrock - Celtic Ireland
Go to the druid compound near Tara, and GET CLOVER from the sheep coral, find Diancecht and GIVE CLOVER DIANCECHT, go to tika to BUY WATERSKIN and bring waterskin to Diancecht GIVE WATERSKIN DIANCECHT You'll receive SHAMROCK!

Signet Ring - Agrabah
see advice about 'Aladdin's Lamp'

simple lyre with silvery strings - Greece
Go to the temple of Apollo in Thebes. ASK PRIEST LINUS. Go to Linus. ASK LINUS IS YOUR VOICE AS GREAT AS APOLLO'S. He answers in the affirmative and is struck down for hubris. GET LYRE CORPSE.

Skyblade - Beowulf
see 'WHOIS-QUESTS' about how to get:
... has completed a great task, and is fit for the meadhalls of Walhalla!

Swancloak - Beowulf
see 'WHOIS-QUESTS' about how to get:
... has completed a great task, and is fit for the meadhalls of Walhalla!

Sword of Weland - Beowulf
Its lying in the dragon's cave in beowulf, be sure to fly, look out for a rock face, if you find it TAP ROCK 3 times and a door to the east will open, go ES and GET SWORD You'll have Sword of Weland!

Tituba's Hood - Salem
see 'WHOIS-QUESTS' about how to get:
... has brought a witch to justice and saved the village children!

token of the ____ spirit - Dreamtime
From Wonjuru's village in dreamtime, go east until you can go north. This is the Bora bora ground. Wander along this path, PEERing once or twice in each room. Eventually, a spirit will appear and ask if you need guidance. Put all tokens you have in a bag, then ASK it GUIDANCE. An aura of good will should eminate from it. You must then kill it. (careful, it's hard!) When it dies, it will give you the token of the ______ spirit!

two-eared silver cup - Greece
In the treasure room where you get the Helm of Perseus in Mycenae (see Treasure of Mycenae quest in whois quests), accessible either by the quest or extremely good lockpicking, get the two keys lying there. Both keys open the tomb of Electryon, just through the south gate of Mycenae and west. Give one to a friend, or better yet, your group of attackers waiting outside. Go in alone and DISARM WIRE.
If you are successful, the shade of Electryon will attack. Kill him (he's about as hard as the angry sidhe, or maybe a little easier!). In its corpse you will find the two-eared silver cup, a treasure of Troy!

If you fail to disarm the trap, you will be slain, at no experience loss, by the crushing ceiling. Have your friend unlock the tomb for you, get your things, then wait for it to reset whilst you heal.

Winged Cap - Greece
Return to Hermes on Circe's Isle. Give the abalone earring (See 'STAT-Quests' about how to get +3 strength!) to Hermes. Hermes gives you a winged cap! You get xp!

winged victory - Greece
See the Stymphalian Birds quest in the Whois Quests section about how to get:
...singlehandedly drove off a thousand man-eating birds!

Witch's Ring - Celtic Ireland
see 'WHOIS-QUESTS' about how to get:
... once helped a witch regain her youth and beauty!

world peace - Agrabah
See advice on 'Aladdin's Lamp'.

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