Monday, October 20, 2008


Anatomy - lvl : 5, spr: 30, mnd: 30, per: 30
Doctor Le'Cheir, French & Indian War
surgeon, Somme
embalmers, Egypt

Appraise - lvl: 2, per:30
jeweler, Agrabah
Khuenaten the tax collector, Egypt
trader, Aztec Empire
Isaac, Nottingham dungeon
plump colorful gypsy, Romania (charges 100 gp)
eccentric shopkeeer, London Port
Richard Smith, San Francisco (requires analgesic)

Archer - lvl: 15, per: 60, str: 30, prereq: BOWMAN
Mexica warrior (holding a short bow), Aztec Empire
Eurytus, Cleone, Greece
Tanugeak, Alaska (must speak Inuit)
archer, Romania (requires a short bow from fletcher)

Arm Wrestle - none
guard, Agrabah
Tika, Tara
drunken villager, Roman Britain
suitors, Ithaca, Greece
young soldier in barracks, Romania (bets you 25 gp)
druken customers, Lima

Arms Training (advanced) - lvl: 15, con: 60, min:20
Beorc, Tara Dun (charges 100 gp)
weapons trainer, Romania
weaponeer, Bengal (charges 100 gp)
paunchy soldiers, Alaska

Arms Training (basic) - lvl: 2, con: 40
Beorc, Tara Dun (charges 100 gp)
weapons trainer, Romania
weaponeer, Bengal (charges 100 gp)
Offca, Alaska (charges 100 gp)

Arms Training (expert) - lvl: 30, con: 80, min:25, perc:20
Beorc, Tara Dun (charges 100 gp)
weapons trainer, Romania
weaponeer, Bengal (charges 100 gp)

Armslore - lvl: 2, str: 30, per: 30, min: 25
kindhearted armorer, Romania (charges 200 gp)
weaponeer, Bengal
armourer, Paris Opera

Augment - lvl: 20, spr: 60, min: 40, prereq: HERBLORE, POULTICE
big-game hunter, African Savannah (requires thyme)
Tamakhet, Egypt (requires a sponge)
Biala, Dreamtime (requires banded scallop shell and tiny glossy shell - from traders in Dreamtime)
Monk Herman, Alaska

Backstab - lvl: 2, dex: 45, per: 30
Fith-fath, Tara
assassin, Agrabah (requires a crystal apple)
murderer, Lima

Balance - lvl: 10, dex: 50
juggler, Agrabah (requires a meat cleaver)
lady of the court, Tudor England
man on stilts, Carnival
mountain goat, Alaska ('WATCH GOAT')

Bandage - none
sword swallower, Agrabah
Donnegal, Tara
shaman's apprentice, Nazca
old men, Ithaca, Greece
Aldis, Viking Scandinavia
wench, Nottingham castle
apothecary's apprentice, Klein
monk, St. Denis Abbey
local midwife, Romania (requires a bandage)
Senorita Ruiz, Lima
barber surgeon, Tudor England
Doctor Griggs, Salem
pretty nurse, London Port
Father Elizondo, Industrial Macao
Stasya Ryzhko, Alaska

Bash - lvl: 2, str: 40. con: 30
guardsman, Agrabah
Queen's champion, Tudor England
bengal lancer, Bengal
Bertha, the bearded lady, Cartucci Carnival
guards, Klein
gate guard, Romania (charges 50 gp)
Athabascan children, Alaska
brick maker, Melbourne
conquistador, Lima

Battle Training - lvl: 8, Klein only
Roland, Klien (requires a a stained and tattered map from Iraqi Muslim in Crusade)

Begging - none
beggars, Agrabah
urchins, Lima
panhandlers, San Francisco
untouchable, Bengal
begging woman, Industrial Macao

Blindfighting - per:30 and ???
priest of Ares, Greece

Blindside - dex: 50, con:60, str: 40
Aloph, Malta (requires a blindfold)

Bowman - lvl: 5, per: 40
Mohawk elder, French & Indian War (requires an eagle feather)
sandy-haired uniformed youth, Romania (requires quiver from fletcher)
Tanugeak, Alaska (must speak Inuit)

Break Door - lel:15, str: 60
bengal lancer, Bengal
elite guardsman, Romania (charges 150 gp)
Joe Thompson, San Francisco
sultan's guards, Zanzibar (requires a drink)
wolverine, Alaska ('WATCH WOLVERINE')

Brew - lvl 2, spr: 40, mind: 25
Douban, Agrabah
Gan, Celtic Ireland
Sentnay, Egypt
pict shaman, Pictland
shaman, Nazca
Sarah Good, Salem
hag, Lima
Madame Zeena, Carnival

Calm - mnd: 35, spr: 35. Prereq: PLAY or ELOQUENCE
bobby, London Port
Svatava, 1802 Alaska

Case - lvl: 2, per: 30
Khuenaten the tax collector, Egypt
Will o' the Green, Sherwood (charges 30 gp)
Master Li, Industrial Macao (charges fee)

Chant - lvl: 2, mind: 30
magician's apprentice, Agrabah
old husband, Roman Briton
Diancecht, the Archdruid, Celtic Ireland
pict shaman, Roman Britain
the Hotr, Ancient India
ancient old fool, Ithaca, Greece
brethren, Lindesfarne
Porohuktuk, the Inuit shaman, Alaska
Ghislene, the cook, Tortuga fort
laibon, African Savannah

Choke - lvl: 2, str: 25, dex: 40
Cuachic Extli-Quani, Aztec Empire
Young Sven, Norway
gate guard, Boston

Climb - lvl: 8, con: 30, str: 20
chauvin native, Nazca
Anasazi war-chief, Anasazi
law student, Tudor England
dark-skinned child, Dreamtime
scottish tracker, Scotland

Cooking - none
cook, Agrabah
cook, Tara Dun
Setnay, Egypt
head cook, Nottingham castle
cook's apprentice, Romania
scullery boy, Tudor England
Pedro the chef, Spain
Ghislene, the cook, Tortuga fort
tavernkeeper, Lima
Tlingit slaves, Alaska
Mrs. O'Leary, San Francisco
Drozdov Khlebnik, Alaska

Courage - spi: 20, dex or str or con: 80, level 15
Thorulf Fangtooth, Viking Scandinavia
indian chief, French & Indian War

Dash - lvl: 10, dex: 50
kids & youth, Agrabah
servant girl, Tudor England
Schildknappe, Kleinstadt
mean kid, London Port

Deadeye - lvl: 35, per: 80, str: 40, prereq: ARCHER
Robin Hood, Sherwood (requires arrow from Moor Field archer or tinker)
Eurytus, Greece

Disarm Trap - lvl: 16, dex:40, min:25
outfitter, London Port
trapper, French & Indian War
ermine, Alaska ('WATCH ERMINE')

Disguise - Not Known
Prince Shahriar, Agrabah

Dodge - lvl: 2, dex: 40, per: 25
Aladdin, Agrabah
dancing sidhe, Celtic Ireland (EDE of the stone dolmen)
patrol leader, Romania (charge 50 gp)
sparring soldier, Romania
obnoxious clown, Carnival

Draw - lvl: 2, dex: 40
Doctor Ruiz, Lima
Master Carfax, Nottingham

Dress Wound - spr: 45, mind: 45
Corporal Duvier, Canada
Corpsman, Somme (prereq: anatomy)
Doctor Milov Kharitina, Russian Alaska
Pretty Nurse London

Elbow - str: 50, dex: 30
Little John, Sherwood
warrior of pandu, India
Medjay guard, Egypt

Eloquence - none
Archbishop of Lima, Lima
Richard Burbage, Tudor England
actors, San Francisco
Redmond Barry, Melbourne
chancellor, Romania
Knowledge of eloquence is no longer required to use moods.

Entrance - spr:50, min:50, per:30 Coreq: PLAY
Egil Skallagrimmson, Viking Scandinavia
Alfonso, Lima
Faust, Paris Opera

Fencing (advanced) - lvl: 15, dex: 60, min: 20
Castor, Thebes
the dandy, Lima
John Chapman, Melbourne

Fencing (basic) - lvl: 2, dex: 40
Castor, Thebes
the dandy, Lima
John Chapman, Melbourne

Fencing (expert) - lvl: 30, dex: 80, min: 25, perc: 20
Castor, Thebes
the dandy, Lima
John Chapman, Melbourne

Field Surgery - lvl: 20, mind: 50, spr: 50. Coreq: ANATOMY and DRESS WOUNDS
Doctor Le'Cheir, Canada
surgeon, Somme
Doctor Milov Kharitina, Russian Alaska

First Aid - lvl: 2,min: 35, spr: 35, per:25, Req: BANDAGE
Corporal Duvier, French & Indian War
physician, St. Denis Abbey
Doctor Griggs, Salem
apprentice, Tortuga fort

Fishing - none
sponge diver, Phoenicia
young fisherman, Roman Briton
fisherman, Nazca (charges 25 gp)
old man watching the boats, Celtic Ireland
bored Italian fisherman, near Crusades
rugged fisherman, Lima

Flavor - lvl: 5, spr: 45, non-evil
cook, Agrabah
cook, Tara
Numala, Dreamtime
Nell, Nottingham
Mrs. O'Leary, San Francisco

Forge - lvl: 7, str: 30, dex: 30, con:20
Duncan the smith, Celtic Ireland
Pytheus, Ithaca
Bjarni Greatarm, Viking Scandinavia
John the blacksmith, Sherwood
Georg der Grobschmied, Klein (charges 70 gp)
Jaime the armorer, Lima
stout blacksmith, Quebec
Pierre the smith, Tortuga
journeyman smith, Romania (charges 75 gp)

Foul - spr: 45, non-good
Gan, Ireland
Madame Decara, Agrabah
shaman, Nazca
poachers, Russian Alaska requires fox pelt

Gunplay - lvl: 2
queen's guard, Tudor England
north gate guard, Boston
merchants, London (charges 50 gp)
gunslinger, San Francisco
Drill Sergeant Buxton, Somme
Willie Simcock, Joe Chang, & Lachie Mullens, Melbourne

Haggle - lvl: 2
merchants, Aztec Empire (PREREQ: APPRAISE)
fishmonger, Tudor England
Alfredo, Spain
wandering trader, Crusades
el almacenero, Lima
textile merchant, Romania (charges 35 gp)
compradore, Industrial Macao

Headbutt - lvl: 2, con: 30, str: 20
Captain-of-the-Guard, Agrabah
warriors, Celtic Ireland
retired centurion, Roman Britain
suitors, Ithaca
guards, Kleinstadt
General Gales, Romania (charges 50 gp)
Inuit children, Alaska (must speak Inuit)
Big Jim Southland, London Port
brick maker, Melbourne
merchant sailors, San Francisco (requires tankard of ale)
druken customers, Lima

Herblore - mind: 30, spi: 35
Madame Decara, Agrabah
Diancecht the Archdruid, Celtic Ireland
ancient Anasazi woman, Anasazi
Nell, Nottingham
brigand, Roman Britain
pict shaman, Roman Britain
shaman, Nazca
Arminda the midwife, Lima
woodcrafter, Romania
Madame Zeena, Carnival
Porohuktuk, the Inuit shaman, Alaska

Hide - per: 40
pict warrior, Roman Briton (requires a gladius)
sneaky looking fellow, Sherwood
hare, Alaska ('WATCH HARE')

Hunt - lvl: 5, min: 20, per: 30, dex: 20, con: 20
saxon outlaws, Sherwood (prereq: SNEAK, pair of tights from Lincolnshire draper)
pict hunter, Roman Briton (requires fox fur and fox tail)
big-game hunter, African Savannah
apprentice woodsman, Romania (charges 100 gp)
white-haired elder, Melbourne
Buldeo, Bengal (requires a katar from the weaponeer)
Russian trappers, 1802 Alaska
professional hunters, 1802 Alaska
a hunter, Cleone, Greece

Innate defense - Not Known
giant, Dal Riada
Ben Jameson

Inspire - spr: 35, min: 35. prereq: PLAY or ELOQUENCE
inquisitor, Lima
flirtatious girl, Romania (charges 500 gp)
Belikari, Russian Alaska (must speak Inuit)
Archimandrite Ioassef, Russian Alaska
actresses, San Francisco
conductor, Paris Opera

Iron Will - lvl: 35, spi: 30, dex or str or con: 90
Thorulf Fangtooth, Viking Scandinavia
indian chief, French & Indian War

Judge - lvl: 2, str: 25, per: 30
bodyguard of Heka-Khaswt, Egypt
guards, Spain
conquistador, Lima
Judge Reinhold, Kleinstadt
Judge Porter, Salem
Romanian soldier, Romania (charges 80 gp)

Juggling - lvl: 7, dex: 55, per: 20
juggler, Agrabah
dirty child, Zanzibar (charges 100 gp)
circus clown, Carnival

Kick - lvl: 2, con: 30, dex: 30
tavern wench, Lima
guardsman, Agrabah (charges 50 gp)
stern guard, Klein
patrol leader, Romania (charges 50 gp)
Roman athlete, Roman Britain
Tlingit children, Alaska

Listen - per: 40
Scheherazade, Agrabah
Tika, Tara
Amos the Bartender, Nottingham
apprentice woodsman, Romania (charges 50 gp)
town magistrate, Boston
Napachee Kadlak, Alaska
postal worker, London Port
white-haired elder, Melbourne

Lullaby - min 55, spr 60, lvl 35
midwife, Romania (requires a wooden toy)
Christine, Paris Opera
Anna Baranov, Russian Alaska

Make Amulet - not known
Mad Meg, Tara
Madame Decara, Agrabah
fishwife, Roman Britain fishing village
country maids, Sherwood (requires yarrow)
Madame Zeena, Carnival

Make Bandage - spr: 35, dex: 20
Douban, Agrabah
Donnegal, Tara
shaman's apprentice, Nazca
weaver, St. Denis Abbey (requires cloth)
Gilbert of Blois, Sherwood
Senorita Ruiz, Lima
dispirited weaver, Melbourne (Find the textiles merchant; ASK MERCHANT TEACH; go to the wool mill; ASK WEAVER THE TEXTILES MERCHANT SENT ME; ASK WEAVER TEACH; ASK WEAVER MAKE BANDAGE)

Make Staff - spr: 50
Corcaighe, Celtic Ireland
lumberjacks, San Francisco
Wood-eater, French & Indian War

Marksman - lvl: 5, per: 40, prereq: GUNPLAY
Gisborne, Seoni Jungle
Sheriff Scannell, San Francisco
Alaskan hunter (random one of them), Russian Alaska

Meditate - min: 55, spr: 43, con: 25
scholar, Agrabah
potter, Nazca
white-haired elder, Melbourne (requires a Mohawk tattoo)
Maktuk, Alaska (requires a fur hat)
recluse near Abbey

Mend - lvl: 2, mind: 20, dex: 20
Mustapha, Agrabah
Rhia the weaver, Tara
weaver, Nazca (charges 25 gp)
Chiron, Greece (requires a goat's hide)
maedchen, Klein
Robert the draper, Lincolnshire, Sherwood
cross-eyed little tailor, Malta
Tlingit slaves, Alaska
Madame de Costumes, Paris Opera
laundry attendant, San Francisco

Mix Potion - spr: 60
Abigale Williams, Salem
Messua, Bengal (requires food)
Nahma, Russian Alaska

Night Vision - per: 60, con:20
pookah, Celtic Ireland
chimney sweep, London Port
snowy owl, Alaska ('WATCH OWL')

Parry - lvl: 10, dex: 40, min: 25
arrow knights, Aztec Empire
gate guard, Thebes, Greece
Doctor Ruiz, Lima

Parry (advanced) - lvl: 20, dex: 60, min: 25, londoners and limans only
Captain-General, Spain (charges 150 gp)
greying soldiers, Russian Alaska

Parry (expert) - lvl: 30, min: 25, dex: 80, londoners only
John Chapman, Melbourne (requires pile of battered textbooks, from a student)

Peek - per: 50
Marcus, Klein
Thomas the innkeeper, Nottingham
english architect, St. Denis Abbey
gate guard, Romania

Pick Lock - lvl: 2, dex: 40, mind: 20
cut-throats, Agrabah
Gawain, Tara (charges 30 gp)

Play - none
Allan-a-dale, Sherwood (charges 40gp)
Alfonso, Lima
Egil Skallagrimmson, Viking Scandinavia
poetic bard, Romania
itinerant musician, Tudor England
minstrel, Paris Opera
gypsy woman, Cartucci Carnival

Poisoning - per: 30, spi: 30?, min: 30?, it might be less, lvl: 5 or 6
Mohawk shaman, Canada
murderer, Lima
Major Pring, Somme

Poultice - Prereq: BANDAGE
Corcaighe, Celtic Ireland
tribal elder, Dreamtime
Gilbert of Blois, Sherwood
Apothekers apprentice, Klein

Praise - lvl 2, mind: 30, per: 30, Prereqs: PLAY or ELOQUENCE
young lord, Tudor England
Reverend Lawson, Salem
catholic priest, Romania (charges 125 gp)
eccentric shopkeeper, London Port
actors, San Francisco

Purify - spr: 45
Madame Decara, Agrabah
shaman, Nazca
dark-skinned woman, Dreamtime

Quickdraw - dex: 30, prereq: SNIPER
stranger, Pittsburgh (requires whiskey)

Rage - con: 40, str: 40, dex: 20
thief captain, Agrabah
pict gern-y-fhain, Roman Britain
angry Anasazi woman, Anasazi
Gisli the Grim, Viking Scandinavia
Robert deSable, GM Knights Templar, Crusades
Vlad, Romania (prereq: elite-whois)
Wu Chen, Industrial South Seas
Carlotta, Paris Opera

Repair - lvl: 2, mind: 20, con:20
metal worker, Nazca
Pytheus, Ithaca, Greece
Georg der Grobschmied, Klein
John the blacksmith, Lincolnshire (charges 50 gp)
tinker, Tudor London (SAY YES)
stout blacksmith, Quebec
metal worker, Melbourne (Find the foundry owner; ASK FOUNDRY TEACH; go to the foundry; ASK WORKER THE FOUNDRY OWNER SENT ME; ASK WORKER TEACH; ASK WORKER REPAIR)
You must also know FORGE to repair weapons.

Rescue - lvl: 6, con:30
captain-of-the-guard, Agrabah
Alam ad-din Sulaiman Jandar, Crusades
Mayor's bodyguard, Paris Opera
Father Juvenal, Alaska (need good align)

Retreat - spi: 5 and ???
Decurion (Coward), Roman Briton

Ride - lvl: 7, mind: 20, con: 30, str: 20, dex: 30, pres: 15
groom, Tara
adhoranah, Ancient India
groom, Klein (requires an apple)
bedouin youth, Crusades
queen's champion, Tudor England
conquistador captain, Lima
young groom, Quebec (requires an apple)
cowhands & vaqueros, San Francisco

Root - spr: 55, con: 30, Prereq: HERBLORE, BREW, POULTICE
Masai herbsman, African Savannah (requires sage)
Patakasu, Russian Alaska (requires an eagle feather)

Satire - lvl: 2, per: 30, mind: 30. Prereq: PRAISE
laidchen maqq barchedo, Scotland
Vebeorn, Viking Scandinavia
William Shakespeare, Tudor England
eccentric shopkeeper, London Port
actors, San Francisco
Redmond Barry, Melbourne
Father Nektar, Russian Alaska

Scan - lvl: 5, per: 35
Ali Baba, Agrabah
serving boy, Tara
shepherd, Roman Britain
poor brown-haired girl, Romania (requires fashionable ribbon)
Francois Morel, the scout, French & Indian War
goshawk, Alaska (WATCH GOSHAWK)
pirate sentry, Industrial South Seas
sentry, Somme

Sharpshooter - lvl: 15, per: 60. Prereq: MARKSMAN
Msr. Levassier, Tortuga
Sheriff Scannell, San Francisco
drill sergeant, Somme

Shipbuilding - lvl: 2, mind: 30
Guthwulf the boatmaker, Roman Britain
fisherman, Nazca (charges 50 gp)
Hans, Viking Scandinavia
Enrique the harbormaster, Lima
yardmaster, Quebec
harbormaster, Tortuga
harbor clerk, London Port (charges 100 gp)
shipwrights, Russian Alaska

Sing - lvl: 15, spr: 50, mind: 45, prereq: PLAY
Mephistofeles, Paris Opera House (requires Score to Faust)
singing Anasazi woman, Anasazi

Skin - lvl: 2
T'Kalo's apprentice, Industrial Savannah
Koniag women, 1802 Alaska
trappers, French & Indian War

Sneak - lvl: 3, dex: 50
thieves, Agrabah
pict warrior, Roman Britain (requires lorica)
sneaky looking fellow, Nottingham (charges 50 gp)
Gawain, Tara (charges 30 gp)
Russian trappers, Alaska

Sniper - lvl: 35, per: 80, prereq: SHARPSHOOTER
Sheriff Scannell, San Francisco

Steal - lvl: 3, dex: 45, per: 20
Fith-fath, Tara
Thomas the innkeeper, Nottingham (charges 75 gp)
thief, Lima

Suckerpunch - str: 40, and not known what else
Angry Sidhe, Celtic Ireland
Irish Jim, Carnival
Margarete (german woman), Zanzibar

Sustained Breath - lvl: 2, con: 45, dex: 20
guestmaster, Lindesfarne
pookah, Celtic Ireland
sponge diver, Greece

Swim - lvl: 2, con: 30
sponge diver, Phoenicia
sailors, London Port
merchant sailors, San Francisco
sailors, Bengal
scruffy pirate, Industrial South Seas
hook-nosed captain, Bengal/London Port
sailors, Lima Breca, Beowulf

Swordsmanship (advanced) - lvl: 15, str: 60, min: 20
Sir Guy, Nottingham Castle
weaponeer, Bengal (charges 200 gp)
decurion, Roman Britain

Swordsmanship (basic) - lvl: 2, str: 40
Sir Guy, Nottingham Castle
weaponeer, Bengal (charges 200 gp)
legionaries, Roman Britain
bored guards, Russian Alaska

Swordsmanship (expert) - lvl: 30, str: 80, min: 25, perc: 20
Sir Guy, Nottingham Castle
weaponeer, Bengal (charges 200 gp)
centurions, Roman Britain

Tailor - lvl: 2, dex: 35, min: 35
Mustapha, Agrabah
Rhia the weaver, Celtic Ireland
weaver, Nazca (charges 50 gp)
Aleut women, Alaska
Madame de Costumes, Paris Opera

Tan - lvl: 2
Rhodry the tanner, Tara
Michael the tanner, Nottingham (charges 45 gp)
Karl the tanner, Klein
Athabascan women, Alaska (WATCH WOMAN)
dispirited weaver, Melbourne (Find the textiles merchant; ASK MERCHANT TEACH; go to the wool mill; ASK WEAVER THE TEXTILES MERCHANT SENT ME; ASK WEAVER TEACH; ASK WEAVER TAN)

Throw - lvl: 3, str: 25, dex: 30
brats, Celtic Ireland
dark-skinned man, Dreamtime
wiry youths, Ithaca, Greece
discus-thrower, Elis, Greece
ragged boy, Romania (charges 1 gp)
bomber, Somme
Ruhiu, African Savannah

Topple - dex: 80, per: 30, spi: 5, con: 50, str: 40
Japanese man, Pittsburg

Tumble - dex: 60, perc: 30
Will Stuteley, Sherwood (requires the real name of Will Scarlet: "Geoffrey Monfichet")
William Kempe, a player, Tudor England
thief, Lima

Valor - spi:25, dex or con or str: 85, level 25
Thorulf Fangtooth, Viking Scandinavia
Thore Splithaft, Viking Scandinavia
indian chief, French & Indian War

Warcry - lvl: 5, con: 50, str: 30
Beorc, Tara Dun
retired centurion, Roman Britain
Anasazi war-chief, Anasazi
janissary, Romania
Saif ad-Din Ali al-Mashtub, Crusades

Weapon Mastery - lvl: 25 and ???
Master Li, Industrial Macao (requires 200 gp)
Corporal Shekleton, Industrial Somme

Wrestling - not known
wrestlers, Ithaca, Greece

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