Monday, October 20, 2008

First Circle Words

First Circle - 1 practice needed to learn these words
Cause - VINA - lvl: 2, min: 40, word: VID
Ancient Tara
Find Diancecht, the archdruid southeast of Tara. ASK DIANCECHT CAUSE.

Conceal - GUH - lvl: 2, mind: 40, word: VID
Ancient Orkney
Do not enter the old husband's hut at night. Find the husband and his old wife (living NNE from the Orkney crossroads). Wait until daytime to enter their hut, then ASK HUSBAND CONCEAL.

Create - KERE - lvl: 2, mind: 40, word: VID
Ancient Agrabah
Find the magician inside the palace. ASK MAGICIAN CREATE.

Destroy - KSI - lvl: 2, mind: 40, word: KERE
Ancient Greece
Find the priest of Ares in Sparta. ASK PRIEST DESTROY.

Knowledge - VID - lvl: 2, min: 40
Ancient Orkney
Find the old wife and her husband (living ENE from the tavern), BE CAREFUL!!! Don't enter their hut at night coz they would attack you. So wait till daytime to enter their hut, then ASK WIFE KNOWLEDGE
find the ancient old fool on Ithica, then ASK FOOL KNOWLEDGE

Remove - MEUE - lvl: 2, word: VINA, mind: 40
Medieval Carribean
Do not hunt in the Carribean. All hunt trails lead into deathtraps.
Find Ghislene, the cook, in Tortuga fortress. ASK GHISLENE REMOVE. You learn MEUE!
It is rumoured that the Brahman teaches meue also

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