Monday, October 20, 2008

Industrial Era Trans Quests

Bengal to India - (ancient)
Buy rotgut from the provisioner. Find Buldeo, ensure that he is awake, and give the rotgut to him. You are transferred! WAKE

Casablanca to Victorian London - (industrial)
If you are stranded in Casablanca without a boat, go to the Dining Area of Rick's. OPEN PIANO, GET LETTERS PIANO. Find the ticket seller. ASK SELLER TICKET, GIVE LETTERS SELLER. Wait until the ship's captain reaches the harbor. GIVE TICKET CAPTAIN, FOLLOW CAPTAIN He'll return you to London!

Melbourne to Aborigine Dreamtime - (ancient)
In the University of Melbourne, find Professor Lowenhall. ASK PROFESSOR DREAMTIME, then SAY YES. Go to the Aborigine encampment. ASK LEADER ELDER. Then ASK ELDER DREAMTIME. You are transferred! Wake.

Pittsburgh to San Francisco - (industrial)
Go to the train station in Pittsburgh. Buy a ticket to San Francisco from the ticket seller. Go to the conductor. Give the ticket to the conductor. Wait. On the hour you will automatically board and ride the train until you reach San Francisco.

San Francisco to Pittsburgh - (industrial)
Find Jim Butterfield. Buy a ticket to Pittsburgh. Give the ticket to stage coach driver. Wait. On the hour you will automatically board and ride the stagecoach to Pittsburgh.

San Francisco to Yerba Buena - (medieval)
Go to the inn, BUY RICE, go to the laundry and GIVE RICE ATTENDANT You are transferred! WAKE

Sargasso Sea to Carribean Sea - (medieval)
Go to the curio shop and BUY MAP, go to the london harbor and travel S as far as possible, then go 5WSWS to find the Atoll, have the map in your inventory and OPEN HOLE You are transferred! WAKE

South Seas to South Seas - (medieval)
BUY SPAGHETTI from the Curio Shoppe in London or from Mrs. O'Leary in San Francisco. Go to the tiny island in the South Seas. GIVE SPAGHETTI MAN. You are transferred!

Tripoli to Agrabah - (ancient)
Find Fuzar the shopkeeper and go 2S to the old man, SAY ASSIST to get a broken medallion from the old man, go to the oasis of the battle-scene (sene5s2w) and SAY RAZEN. You are transferred! WAKE -> go 2n3e to enter Agrabah City

Victorian London to Sherwood - (medieval)
Go to the Curio Shop and BUY MAP, go to the east india Company and GIVE MAP CLERK, he will give you Robin Hood's Bow, return to the curio shop and GIVE BOW OLD You are transferred! WAKE

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