Monday, October 20, 2008

General Hints

Abbey Roof
To access the St. Denis Abbey roof, climb the south bell tower and SLEEP. To leave the roof, FLEE. Beware the deathtraps and the flying buttresses.

pale red: non-good equipment
chromatic: non-neutral equipment
pale blue: non-evil equipment
blood red: very evil person
red: evil person
grey: neutral person
blue: good person
azure: very good person

black: magic sink on person

Damage Messages
How hard are you hitting?
Type fight compact at the prompt. The fight compact damage messages correspond closely to the average damage values below. Weapon types includes slash, pierce, claw, bludgeon, crush, bonk, hit, bash, sting, slice, chop, whip, and tangle and others. (Weapon type hit is used below.) Since the damage range for each message overlaps with the damage range for other messages, the average damage is provided:
3 hp : You barely hit a victim.
8 hp : You hardly hit a victim.
13 hp : You hit a victim extremely hard.
18 hp : You assault a victim with your astonishing (weapon).
25 hp : You massacre a victim with your hit.
30 hp : You pulverize a victim with your hit.
35 hp : You demolish a victim with your hit!
40 hp : You obliterate a victim with your horrific hit!
50 hp : You decimate a victim with your powerful hit!
60 hp : You devastate a victim with your hit!
65 hp : You outmaneuver a victim with your superior hit!
70 hp : You rip a victim to shreds with your amazing hit!
80 hp : You eviscerate a victim with your phenomenal hit!
90 hp : You nearly send a victim to (his|her|its) grave with your miraculous hit!

The last message is the damcap message.

To save lots of money you should learn fishing, and you should remember to carve animal corpses. Many corpses have nice filets which fill your stomach and they do fill your stomach even more if you can cook them.

Health Status
The status of a character's health is expressed as a percentage of their maximum hit points.
100%: is in perfect health.
90-99%: is slightly scratched.
80-89%: has a few bruises.
70-79%: has some cuts.
60-69%: has several wounds.
50-59%: has many nasty wounds.
40-49%: is bleeding freely.
30-39%: is covered in blood.
20-29%: is leaking guts.
10-19%: is almost dead.
0- 9%: is DYING.
<0: is DEAD.

Each of the five hometowns grants advantages to characters which start there. Notes: Natives of any hometown may learn bow skills and parry.
May learn first, second, and third circle magic.

May learn first and second circle magic.
May learn brew and augment.

May learn first and second circle magic.
Offensive combat skills perform slightly more damage.
May learn to forge and repair.

May learn first circle magic.
May learn brew.
May learn gunplay and gun proficiency skills.
May use industrial vehicles.
May learn surgery, but will be less effective than Londoners.
May learn advanced parry.
May learn to forge and repair.
May learn entrance and lullaby.
May learn weapon poisoning.

May not learn any magic.
May learn gunplay and gun proficiency skills.
May use industrial vehicles.
May learn surgery.
May learn advanced and expert parry.
May learn to forge and repair.
May learn entrance and lullaby.
May learn weapon poisoning.

Mob Services
Mustapha, Agrabah, 100 gp per mending.
Robert the draper, Lincolnshire, 100 gp per item.
Rhia the weaver, Tara, 100gp per item.
John the blacksmith, Lincolnshire, 500 gp per level of damage.
Pierre the smith, Tortuga fort, 500 gp per level of damage.

aging Sufi, Crusades, 100 gp per item

sweating metalworker, Akka

1000 gp for name
2000 gp for message: Together Always; Property of name; Allahu Akbar; Non Nobis Domine; Pro Fide, Pro Utilitat Hominum.
3000 gp for design: dragons, lions, unicorns, castles, sultry maidens, doves, and tongues of flame
jeweler, Melbourne
3000 gp for message: with love from name

There's lots of money to me made in the Crusades Moslem run. Mobs have been 1k and 9k gold on them and vary in difficulty. The first thing you would do, is find a mob that can hold coins and isn't immortal, (con mob, and see ifyou can kill it or not), then kill one of the mobs that has the gold, and give the gold to your so called holder (the mob that isn't likely to be killed, isn't immmortal, or move around alot), keep doing that until everything is dead. Then kill your holder, get gold corpse, and recite or quaff a recall poition or scroll out. Remember to make sure your recall point has a bank, or else you be err, stuck =p

In Chaco's kiva is a fierce looking Anasazi man, he makes obsidian knives and tosses them on the floor. They can be picked up, no agg, and sold in Tara for 1800+ gold.

The Viceroy in Lima has 3k gold on him (he is easily snipe-able) and a rapier which you can sell for 1750 gold. Dr. Ruiz also has a rapier.

Several Tara'ish stuff can be sold to the camel drivers son in Agrabah. He will pay lots more than the other merchants. The standard Tara-to-Agrabah robbery route goes like this:
Kill Princess Awryn for her ring
Kill Ahrianrhod for her ring
Kill Gawain for his gloves, sword, and key to the chest in his room. The chest has a poison trap though. Inside the chest is a blackened dagger.
Kill Maev for her boots and sword.
Kill Maev's wolfhound for his wickedly spiked collar
Kill Mad Meg for her iron roth
Kill Fith-Fath for his knife, cloak, and lucky coin
Kill the horse in the stables for its horseshoe

Then get over to the Roman garrison and:

Kill the tribune for his gladius with a jewelled pommel, and the key to his house (NWS from his room). Inside his house is a painting of Augustus. Loot it.

Then get over to Agrabah and:

Kill Prince Shahriar for his ring
Kill the parallel-dimension sultan for his ring. (Go outside Douban's shop, stare at the mural 20x, then ask scholar murals, go back and sleep/stand. Stare a few more times if you're not transferred).

Then go to the camel driver's son and sell everything.

NB: Parpignol in Paris usually pays more for items than the camel driver's son. But its a pain to bring everything there.

As soon as you are good enough in fighting to kill the Pardoner in St. Denis you should do this, because he has 5000 coins with him. If you are up to it, other dangerous mobs have 5k on them as well. They are Al-Fadil and Zahir in Crusades (Muslim camp, requires completion of Agrabah prisoner quest or a blue letter from the corsair nearby), the two master knights in Crusades' Christian camp (requires Knight of Malta quest or a red letter from corsair), the vampire in Port of London, Rick Blaine in Casablanca, and Professor Lowenhall and Redmond Barry in Melbourne.

Phases of the Moon
Typing time will tell you the phase of the moon for that night. The cycle is:
new moon
waxing crescent
waxing gibbous
full moon
waning gibbous
waning crescent
new moon

As mage you can easily check if a water source is poisoned, but if you aren't you can avoid getting poisoned by filling a waterskin from the water source and by drinking from the waterskin. The poison in the water source won't be carried to the container.... hmm of course, if the watersource has been blessed or strengthed you won't get that benefit, but if you are low on hp and not near an inn ... maybe you should care about this.

Although prestige no longer affects maximum rent, it is still important. Prestige affects the success of the skills ride, inspire, calm, entrance, praise, satire, and warcry.
Prestige is increased by leveling, by killing significantly higher level mobs, by being praised, and by the spell summon butterflies. Mobs such as the workers in Melbourne, Omar the silk merchant in Akka, and the canary in Malta will praise players. (Melbourne workers must be fed, the other two are random entrance acts.)

Prestige is decreased by dying, by fleeing significantly lower level mobs, by being satirized, and by begging.

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